Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog
Oct. 9, 2010

To be remembered well is a great thing. If there were an opportunity to write on my own grave site, the words would be like this. She lived her life for Father God.

"I would like that."

Life, I have come to learn, is a journey lived each day. It is made up of finding the way to overcome, press forward, move on from the past, as we make waves toward accomplishing new dreams and doing new things. However the roads and roadblocks we face during our trips can be rough and destructive. So prepare for the hard part of the journey and get on with it. Living for God is worth every trip you take to learn His ways.

A wise minister once said, "Don't live in the past good or bad." This stuck with me,but in a time of crisis I regret not being in the place to live by this attitude. So, after suffering pain almost too great to bear, I finally learned the lesson. Live for today enjoying it, let what cannot be changed go and plan for the future as you pray about how to move towards your dreams or repair the broken ones left in the after math of the storms of life.

My life with God and serving Him by serving His people and the desperate strangers in the world has been for me, a life of adventure. There was never a thing God asked me to do that I was trained for or not uncomfortable doing in the beginning. But, when I trusted God with all my heart and acted on what I believed, the experience of seeing God move in mighty ways to help me move in His path and power, overwhelmed me and others.

God is great and greatly to be praised. We are totally the sum of all we experience in our journeys. Physical, spiritual, and even emotional upsets are all included. In all ways we must remember, journeys have pasts that we can ignore. If we do, it is to our peril. Learn you lessons and move on, let go, and let God fix you. Life then becomes a discovery of journeys that change you into a better person.

Be blessed my friends. Take a journey. Remember well, today is gone when tomorrow appears. Make the most of where you are and live for Jeshua, He is our all in all. Dale Davis (Tigi)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog Sept. 1,2010

Hey friends,

I am sitting in my office listening to the rain. Being with God today has been good. It is so amazing, when we focus on Him, we find peace and harmony to our souls.

It is my greatest desire that each one find what they are hunting in their lives. Sometimes the stress of life takes our strength, it is then that we must speak the Word as we walk in His plan for that day. Cease the moment folks. There may not be another like it. So enjoy each day, hoping for the future. Life gives us pain sometimes but God gives us power, love, and a sound mind. I challenge you to seek Him who made us with your whole heart. Knock on the door of God's heart He will hear you. He is more than able to bring us up to find the certain place where we belong. God bless you and be blessed. Tigi

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tigi
August 15, 2010

This photo was taken at the place in Israel which is quoted to be the tomb of Jesus. Of course we all know that many sites in Israel could be, or are, perhaps? The thing is not that it is, but that it is similar to what Christ would have been laid in, only to rise from the dead to ascend to God His Father.

I am making this blog short today. I want to lift each one of you up by sharing this quote given to me by a dear friend named Sandy. My reason is to remember those whom God touched during my journey of life both here and abroad.

"May the roads rise to meet you, may the winds be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of His hand!"

I have met so many people on my journeys in life and I must say my this quote as my prayer for each one, for they are important to God and to me. I love the world and all that God has given to me on each journey long or short, my life was changed in so many ways. I will not forget one soul touched by the love of God. To remember is good and to know that Jesus laid down His life and rose again for each one of us. May you find that faith in your heart to believe in the Messiah Jeshua Jesus Christ our Lord. Bless you all in His glorious name.

Wandering Rose,

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tigi
August 14, 2010

Well all you out there who read my blog, I am quite ashamed for not writing sooner but life has been filled with taking care of parents and my husband who has had both knees operated on since May.

It is quite interesting to see how time goes by as we move in the directions our lives take us, but know this; time will go by and time will tell what we are made of. We are living in a season where many of us find unsure feelings about the future. This I know as many of you do, we must look up to God who is our Lord and provider. He and He alone will be there for us in the darkest of dark times.

I have traveled the world in dangerous places and found myself having nothing more than God and His precious Word to rely on. Father God has never failed me nor will He ever, not be there for us. God is a Spirit being that we can touch with our spirits, the inner man. Take heart, all your out there and dream on and learn to trust Him with all your heart, leaning not to your own understanding, and calling on His name in times of trouble and also in times of good and plenty.

Proverbs 3:5-6 has always been my favorite scripture and has taken me in and out of places where God has had me, unhurt and filled with the joy that comes from being in His perfect will for your life. God bless and keep on preparing and praying and playing in God's timing. He is good and nothing can take us from Him, so do not move from that which He gives you, His Word.

God be with you always,

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

May 13, 2010

When I think of painting I think of God. He painted the sky blue with puffs of white tinted with blues and pinks and sometimes grays. The rivers and the seas the most amazing greens, blues, and turquoises then touched the edges of the sea with white foam and graced the waves with a rolling white hiding underneath the greens we love.

Then he doused the flowers with the most amazing blends of colors and trimmed the plants and trees with green. Where in the world can we match God's colors? Do you think there will be many new colors in heaven? I often think this, for God is the creator. Perhaps it will be just deeper richer hues of the colors, but this we know ; it will be beautiful and beyond description.

I truly think that it will be the opening of our eyes to more than we ever dreamed when we get to heaven, for heaven is described as perfect and with no tears or fears or wars or pain. How can we imagine this world? Hard right? But what a wonderful place to be. All is well on the home front with a successful surgery and a lovely Christian Doctor who gives God the great doctor. He is creator, healer, and comforter. Come to Him He will give you rest.. I had to do that this week being a 24 hour caretaker of a man after surgery.

I thank God for all who prayed with us and for us. Bless you my dears and remember to paint the Word of God in your heart with the paint brush of life.. You are the canvas for God and He is painting your life with that which you seek according to His will. He will give you paint from His Word to paint your life.. so go to the Bible and find the way the truth the life and watch your life change before you eyes.

God bless from the wandering gypsy rose girl, Tig

Monday, May 10, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
May 11, 2010

Will you look at these lovely meals spread on the pit and the table, fit for a queen. Amen and amen. There is nothing more delightful than an amazing meal prepared in love for friends. Would you not agree?

The meal on the table was prepared by our natural family in the Alsace of France. The one on the pit was being prepared in Spain on a church picnic but it is the the one in France I will talk about tonight. Just wanted to tempt you with all this good food..

A wonderful story of the leading of the Lord is connected to this meal on the table and many more meals were served in our stay just like it. Delicious and shared by all in the harmony of good Christian friends who are sharing a common goal to take the world to its place in Christ. Is there anything better? Well, heaven will be but we are not there yet. So lets enjoy all we can while on earth.

Food seems to be connected to love in so many ways.
Food also gives one the strength or power we may say to make it through the day. God is good to give us food to eat and good food cannot be compared to junk food. By now means. So why do we try to get power in fast food? Of course food is not our greatest power, the Word of God and name of Jesus is the glorious power that changes lives. There is power in the blood of Jesus the Bible says and over and over again my life in Christ has proven how good He is and how much He loves His children. It was on a rainy evening that God helped me,through much determination, to find this champ d' hote ( a bed and breakfast we Americans call it). It would be here in this great house that I was to discover a great secret. Hidden away in this huge house which once was a bakery and later a restaurant, were people who had found the Spirit of God in a small Catholic village. They were praying for Christians to come by their home to share the gospel.

The small village was in an area torn by the second world war, yet so quaint. Who was to know that a phone call handled by a friend in Switzerland would lead me to find some of the family that had married into my family in the 1800's. And to make it more wonderful these very people were believers in Christ as Savior and were hungry to know more and offered their home to hold teaching meetings. IT was here that the call of God to preach in France came to pass for me. I was to meet my family and be touched by God's amazing way to take you from America across Spain in a rent car into Switzerland to minister then onward to France to find some of my fathers side of the family but to minister and find life long relationships waiting to surprise me.

I am often amazed when I find how easy it is to follow the spirit of God into the very deepest place He may be wanting you to go. He leads we follow, but if we do not obey then we miss so much. God never ceases to amaze me in the midst of the storms of life. He is always there watching and waiting for us to find Him and get whisked away in His safe arms. How safe I felt in that tiny village surrounded by lovely colored houses and gardens like none I had seen in America. Every ones house looked like a small park filled with lush flowers of all colors and arranged so neatly. It was here that I knew the love of flower gardens had come in my grandmothers.

Come away and spend time with friends over lovely meals.. oh how I wish I was there now speaking and determining how and what needs to be said in love.. love is a wonderful language and it speaks loudly when you give it away.. God bless you all and sorry have not been on line.. Roger my husband is having knee surgery and in six weeks will do the second one then we will be visiting the world together.

Wandering Rose Dale Davis

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

April 28, 2010

Tonight as we drove to visit my brother and sister in law there was an awesome moon luring me to think back to a special time on one of my many journeys.It was a full moon in fact, bright shining against a mellow sky line. My heart beat as if it were thundering inside. The window of the car was down allowing the breeze of a spring night to touch the heart. How I love those moments. Remembering times gone by but not forgotten.

It was, for that small piece of time; a little reflection carrying me back to a fond memory of people and places truly meaningful. As my missionary buddy and our worker and taxi driver rode silently homeward that evening, there was a moon and sky almost exactly like there was tonight. That raging emotional night in North Africa grabs at my heart of hearts making it feel like I've been skinned to the bones. There is no other way to describe the loneliness you feel for a land and its people and the love you have for the work of God.

It was the last night for our work in Africa on that journey. The cool of the evening air left the glass of the window feeling nice to my tear stained cheeks. Crazy thoughts raced through my mind. If only this peace could last forever. Why must there be so much division among men of all races and religions? I think, not only the earth trembles as it waits for the savior, we people who watch for the coming of Christ are trembling with anxious hope to keep us from the harm and evil of the world. Pray for the world, your home and family, friends, and the ministers and pastors of churches. It is time to cry out for the world for all mankind and God's chosen people the Jews are in great need. I have been to 23 nations crying out for the people and recently my journey of life began to lead me to the land of Israel.

Isaiah 40: 3 2-5
Speak comfortably to Jerusalem and cry for her, for she was filled with violence and delighted in sin; and she has received from the Lord's hand double punishment for all her sins, 3 The voice of him that cries in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
4 Every valley shall be filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the rough places smooth, 5 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.

The world moves in a way we truly do not understand. Thank God He has made a way and that way is through Christ Jesus. Come to him and give Him your life. You will find great peace in knowing Him and obeying His Word.

signing off for the evening
God bless you,
Tig (Dale Davis)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
April 22, 2010

Dear Friends,

Do you like the sea? I do. The sea reminds me of God in so many ways. It is salty and never looses its salt. God is like salt flavoring all that come to Him. The sea comes in so far and does not invade the earth. God is like this, He will come to us but he will not invade our will. He leaves the choices up to us of our lives, of course; telling us which is the best way to go.

The sea and its breezes are powerfully refreshing. There is a refreshing from God that nothing on this earth can give. When the mind is muddled and tired, take a drive to the beach to let the peace engulf you. I have seen grown up men standing mesmerized by the sounds of the waves rolling into shore. When asked what are you staring at? "It is just so puzzling, the sea. I never get tried of staring out to sea."

When I took this photo I could not help but wish it were my chairs, then the sea could sing it songs to me daily. What a gift it would be to sit by the sea every day of your life. I lived by the sea many times on my ventures in the world. A deep comfort held me captive to the consistency of it all. Smells of seaweed mixed with the salty air drifted in my open patio in the mornings to wake my sleepy bones.

I love the sea, for it is big and wild and deep like God is to me.. God is in me and has changed my life that is why I believe. I can see Him, feel Him, and touch Him with my heart. It is wonderful the comfort God gives. I would not want to live without that comfort He gives so generously.

Have a good day, week, and month. If you get a chance go to the sea and just sit for awhile with God. There is little more refreshing.
Wandering Rose, Tig

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Passage of Time

The Wandering Gypsy Rose By Tig
March 19th, 2010

Yes, that is me, the wanderer always wondering what or who or when. My traveling shoes lie in my closet, put away but not hidden. The travel bug bit me on my first journey to Mexico in the 70's. That was when I knew without a doubt that I was called to be a missionary taking the truth of the gospel to lands where there was less than 1% Christian. Yes, I go back that far, 62 years; but I have learned to be thrilled I have served God and man for over 40 years. In fact, I go back further in time than I like to remember, so I choose to only remember today. Oh, if only I had learned this sooner, live in the moment and wait for the next one.

Life has it's way of sneaking up on you when you finally realize you are on the down side rather than the up, at this time of life you think a lot about all you have done or not done. Hate to say it, but you think too about all the mistakes you made along the passage of time. Then one day you choose to put the past behind moving forward one moment at a time. You stretch your older body and mind just a little more deciding, the principle of the power of words, makes one negative and the body will respond to the mind and (wa la) they get in agreement and you are old over night and aging every day. So I am learning to keep my mouth shut and keep on saying, "I will be the best for whatever age I am." Right now I am being the best 60myear old I can be. This helps me not give in to the signs of aging. P.S. I don't look in the mirror so much anymore. I just try to be me and be good to people. I look around me and find people who are aging gracefully. They inspire me and God inspires me to come up higher.

Yept, not good English but we do get older. But, we do not have to let it consume us as many do. Why, most people go over the hill at 40. I picked up speed at 40 and kept on rolling until 2007. Making 23 nations and traveling hard and fast. Then the brakes were set by my and others choices and I knew what it felt like to be older and very very tired.

An emotional tragedy happened during that year which took me down so low I admit I wanted to die or just give up. It seemed like all my dreams and visions had melted right in front of my eyes. We all face depressions, changes, hurts, and betrayals but we can make it over the grave which these devilish things dig for us. Instead of digging my grave like I was tempted to do I began searching and seeking a way out of the fears and the terrific pain. I read books on getting over loss and depression. Loss is painful whether it is things or dreams or people that we loose. The human mind was made to be fruitful and to find success, it does not do well with failure. All else works against us. So seeking God to show us how to make our way through the fog of life is what we must do in times of sorrow. Negative brings in the darkness to slow our journey of life. We seem to be blinded by the fog of life that darkens our path.

One of my dearest friends and I have said this for years, "Onward through the fog." We laugh after we chuck up our junky feelings and emotions and problems.. then we say with a grin in our hearts and on our changing face, "Onward through the fog."

You have to press and be determined to overcome what one faces in life.. This life is certainly imperfect and getting more so everyday. Our only hope is Jesus and following the truth given to us in the Bible. I am fine now, it took some time, some tears, and determination to get over the mountain of trouble but I did! Bulldog tenacity to get better got me there. People helped and I am grateful for them, but it took me and God to get the broken pieces all back in place. I think like old cars,we just need some repairs sometimes.

I hope sharing my little piece of my life with you will help you too make your journey a little better by being determined and stubborn enough to make it happen for you. Let go of things and that which holds you back and get on with life.. There are still many good things in life and one is family and friends.. and of course God. There are many fish in the sea I was told long ago by my grandmother. That is so true.. many kinds but there are many out there in the sea of life. So when life gives you lemons make that jug of lemonade, put on some music and meditate on the good things you have done and what you can still accomplish.. Spoken from experience. Bless you my dears. When there is a will God makes the way.

Wandering Rose Woman Tig Davis

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A visit in Israel and what it brought to me

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig April 18th, 2010

I know this blog is much more serious than the previous ones I've written but we live in a serious time.. I hope you will read this and cry out for the people and the land where Jesus lived and ministered.

October 2009 was my first journey to Israel. The land and its peoples consumed my heart as I walked the streets, prayed at the prayer wall, toured the many religious sights, and dug in the ancient ruins of the first and second temple. There was a quiet inner joy inside me in spite of the rushing about and the many tourists visiting at the time of the feast of booths. It was like I had found something I had waited all my life for, it was finally mine. Home, that is what kept coming into my heart. This is home to me. A constant voice cried out, "I am home, I am home." Of course my surroundings were familiar to me, for like the Arab peoples I visited and worked with in North Africa, there were many just like them, right along side the Jewish population.

The houses, markets, business, and the foods were similar but what surrounded me was beyond familiarity, I was oddly completely at home in this land so far away from my homeland of America. There was no fear in spite of soldiers all around us and the constant rumors of wars and a short distance away bombings could happen at any time. There was peace in spite of the unrest of the world and the enemies of Israel.

I have come to realize that we are all connected (no matter what religion) by that which is much larger than we ever dare to know. That being God the Father of all creation who made the way, the truth, the light for each of us and all mankind. But according to the Bible there is only one way and that is through Christ Jesus who lived, died, and rose again that we might find the way the truth the light. We all came from one man and one woman, but through sin; the family God planned to have were disconnected. Thus, the many religions and misunderstandings and wars and rumors of wars that go on now and have for centuries.

The difference is, that the one and only religion who exalts a living God and savior is Christianity. The more you travel the world the more you understand, all men deeply crave for peace. All men seek to understand their purpose on this earth. They want to know where they came from and for what they are here. The sad thing is, man continually wars against one another. Too often over religious ideas. Why? Because of deception and lack of knowledge. Because of the root of all evil, the arch enemy of God, satan the fallen angel.

My heart bled as we passed the military men and women in the streets. Many are so young. There is an anointing around them however. There is an uncanny feeling when you are near them, hard to explain. You can feel their love for country and duty. Make no mistake, their young pretty or handsome faces conceal the courageous hearts inside. I knew the first day I would return to do whatever i could to help them and the people of the land of my savior Jesus Christ.

I hope each of you will dedicate yourself to pray and stand on the spiritual wall for peace in Israel. I know many of you are and will continue. We are truly in a battle, but remember in the end we who believe in Christ will win. Be not afraid for God has not given us a spirit of fear but a sound mind and courage.

God bless you all and may you be filled with the love of God for each other and the world
World Rescuers
Dale (Tig) and Roger Davis

Friday, April 16, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig April 17th, 2010

There is just something about a table set for a great meal with friends. When you see bread and cheese from Europe, begin drooling because it is really good.

The cheese in Switzerland and France cannot be beaten in my opinion and I've been in 23 nations trying them out. I love the cheese in Spain but France and Switzerland still beat them out. The Swiss are so creative with cheese and how mellow some of the great tastes are in the many variates, yet there are the strong cheeses as well. Strong is not the word for some. ooh la la.

I guess friends and family are like that too. We find all kinds of people in the world and each on completely unique. Does that amaze you how so many people are in the earth but each one special and different than all the rest? How can we even think that this happened by some muck in the mud which came crawling out and made each of us and all other creation. In God's word he tells us we are wonderfully made. God the Father is the creator and you see Him everywhere if you look and think.

I love the friends and family God has given to me. Each one special and each one a part of my life in the way I need. We can not all be everything to everybody, so just be who you are and let someone else be too, what you may need for that moment.

Here is a favorite scripture: Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future." This is my desire for you as well. Prepare for the future for it does come in spite of all you do to stay young. There are lots of other blog messages and old ones too, if you just joined us..

Eleanor Roosevelt
You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
Gypsy Rose Blog April 16th, 2010

Hey everyone wanna take a trip to the zoo?

What a photo right? Bet you think I was in the cage with him or her, whatever. Nope, won't play with your mind, I was outside the cage. There was a glass between us. It does look like we were kissing. I love nature and animals. God gave them to us to give us pleasure. This little guy in a zoo in Spain was just a friendly little fellow.
It gave me great pleasure to get this smacking kiss. It was just one of those moments in life I treasure.

Let's talk about moments. In all my 62 years I have discovered a truth about life. That is, to take one moment at at time and breath as you enjoy just that one moment. We were not made for the fast rushing pace we put upon ourselves or even others put on us. But we live in this world and we have to work to be in the world but not of the world. Ideas and people are trying to change out thinking and laws and morals. I for one, know there is only one thing I can rely on and that is God and His Word which we find in the Bible. So after many years of pushing, shoving, and running like a race horse I have slowed down a little to take time to smell the roses. I grow them in my garden and love them very much. I am spending more time alone with myself and find that I am not a bad person to be with. He he. At least I know what I am thinking, not so sure of others thoughts.

I just want to say it takes a whole life time to learn some lessons and how I wish I would have known or had some older wiser person to tell me some things. Would I have listened? Not too sure, well I did listen to some advice and when I found the Bible to be life and health to my flesh and my spirit I learned that it is better to find wisdom than silver and gold. My lesson for the day and it is time to stop to take one of those precious moments to read before bed time. God bless you my young and older friends.. The wandering Rose Girl Dale (Tig)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig Davis
April 1, 2010

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future."

This is one of many peoples favorite verse for it gives us hope. It comes from Jeremiah 29: 11. In another translation is says, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and hope. It is a good thing to know that God is guiding our footsteps but we must know His voice to obey the direction God is leading us into. There are roadblocks constantly in our paths so we must be aware of the voices or things which lead us from his will for our lives.

Go the way the Spirit leads you. I must tell you this, we all make mistakes which bring disappointments that assault us, causing us to be rocked and left feeling unstable. It is then that we are not certain which way we should go or even if we should go.

So, what is most important? To take time to listen to that still small voice of God. To know his voice we must read and study His Word. Sometimes God gives marching orders but then too he gives resting orders. All I can say is this, it is vital for our spiritual, mental, and physical health to know when to go and when to stop and when to just stand and then stand some more.

Sometimes God is altering and rearranging things so a greater more powerful thing can be done in our lives. So rise up and make your way to the greatness which God has in store for you. Pull up your spiritual self and move in Him and let His loving kindness bring you to the richness of His love. God bless you all. Yes, I have much experience in both listening and not listening. I much prefer the listening to God's direction. It is most valuable and keeps me out of trouble.

World Rescuers
The Rambling Rose Dale Davis

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

by Dale Davis (tig) March 24, 2010

quote from Helen Keller
Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.

I am not sure why but quotes have always inspired me. Especially ones that drive you onward. Have you ever seen a garden and wished you could go inside and touch all the flowers. This is a privilege of those of us who raise gardens. This quote made me realize there are so many beautiful people in the world that are not touched yet by the hand of God. They desperately need God to touch them. The world has done nothing more than given them pain. So they need the tender touch of God.

Each person in the world has a fragrance of their own and when God touches a person that fragrance comes forth for others to see and feel. The more we have the fragrance of Jesus in our lives the more the world will be a garden of delight.. Yes, the world is quickly going to seed and rotting on the ground. But we can make the world a better place if we let the fragrance of God come out to make the world a better more delightful place. Draw nigh to Him and He will draw nigh to you.. then His fragrance will spread like a garden of roses all in bloom.

God bless all you friends who are flowers in the garden of God
Dale (Tig) the Rambling Rose

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog
by Tig Davis March 21, 2010
Dear Friends,

Hey, does this porch look inviting? It was lovely and so quiet and quaint. What a memory I have of finding this place. It was along the route of one of those wild road trips we made as we were coming back from ministry time in Switzerland and France.

I love porches, especially when there is a friend to sit with, chatting about all the lovely things God does for you. Porches are made for visiting. Do you have a porch?

I will keep this very short tonight. I have been away with my elderly parents. Age comes to all of us but I want to say this. Keep yourself in God and keep fit. God promises to give us long life and blessings but we might want to take some time out to sit with Him chatting over His goodness and mercy, resting in Him and Him alone. Stress comes but God will relieve you of stress if you take time out to rest in Him. I have had to learn this. It is very rewarding to say the least.

I hope you have a good day tomorrow. God loves you so much He wants you to be prepared for what is coming in the days ahead. Study to show yourself approved. Pray diligently with fervor for the Lord's work. Take care of your body for no one else will do it for you. Be blessed in Jesus name. Cook up some good food and sip a little tea on the porch as you think of all those God has given into your life. Love you all very much. Blessings from Tigi, the rambling rose girl loving Jesus with all my heart.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Your Journey

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
March 8, 2010

Well now, isn't this photo just gorgeous? A small canal in Ireland. I remember the day it was taken so well. Having laughs and prayer time with three friends. Friends who care so much for us come along to help us along our journeys of life. We laughed and spent time driving the countryside and taking photos. Down time is often grabbed in the moment and appreciated when working on the mission field. We had our cup of tea and were on the way to the car when it all just seemed right for this shot.

My first trip to Ireland found me living with the family of a young lady I met in Bible school. The family ended up making me their unofficial adopted American daughter. It is wonderful to be in the family of God. Don't you just love those God sends into your life? Some may come and go but they leave footprints on your heart. Unforgettable are the memories of time spent with friends. Treasure your friends and family. I am going to spend some time with my elderly parents this week so you will not see me on blog this next week, for I will have no access to internet. Precious are the moments that will be remembered for a life time. Treasure your families and try not to miss those moments when you can spend time together. The world is so rushed now that we must make time to fellowship. Don't forget Jesus is waiting to spend some time with you too.

There is a river of life in us. Let it flow into others lives. I want to say thank you to all who have taken time to be my friend over all the years I have served God.. thank you all you out there. Be blessed in your journey down the river of life. What a serene moment the river gives to us as we float on its flowing waters.

Rambling Rose Tig

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Path We Trod

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
March 7, 2010

Hi there gang,

I love this photo because it takes me back to Spain, but more than that, it moves one to seek where the path may be going. (by the way it takes you to a lovely high village where I spent time praying and handing out tracts and writing my journals, you would love it as much as I did. Let's go there someday together)

Often on my journeys there were unfamiliar pathways to take. It was not easy to choose but when I sought God's direction He always showed me what to do, where to go or what to do. How wonderful it is to have a guide that you know knows the way. Who will be with you to protect you and help you find the way in the dark or the fog.

I visited with a friend yesterday and we sat talking and drinking hot tea. It was lovely. We recalled the time we put on a huge theater play in Uvalde, Texas. I wrote the play and without any knowledge of directing theater or choreograph, directed the play. My friend did all the back drops ( a whole little clown town Christmas village) it was awesome.

Why am I telling you this when I began my blog with a photo of Spain? Because, had I not learned in my own country how to follow God in new things I would have fallen flat on my face. There were many paths I had to take to do what I was doing for God. As it was, by taking the steps and the direction God was leading me to, I succeeded. Life is made up of many dark and narrow paths where we cannot see the light or the way to go. I remember once in the Ukraine we were coming from the sauna of an old Communist youth camp. It was very dark with no street lights. When we went in it was sunny, but not when we stepped out. There were bushes all along the little narrow trail and an unsure feeling of where to step. I cried out to God, asking for direction to be able to get back to our rooms. We just had to step out in faith and soon there was a dim light from the kitchen near by and we were able to pick our way back to safety.

I know this, when you do not know what to do or where to begin or where you belong, just wait and seek God's help. He will guide you and direct your steps.. Just check out
Proverbs 3:5-6 and see the scripture that has helped to guide me all my life. There is a way through the fog.. onward is the way. You may have to stop for awhile to get better sight, you may have to turn around, or slow down; but it is onward through the fog of life that God will take you through problems, unsureness, and the need for direction.

God bless you all, and have you made your cup of tea or coffee today and taken time to just sit and wait on the Lord? He is waiting for you to have a friendship with Him. God is the greatest friend.. He gave and laid down His life for us and calls us friends. What a blessing!

I love you all and Jesus loves you more. Rambling Rose Tig

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rambling Rose Blog By Tig
March 5, 2010

Don't you wish we were sitting together with a cup of good ole Spanish coffee? I do.

The streets were quiet that day. We had wandered to the ferry and ridden it across the calm waters. After a stroll in the streets and window shopping we decided to stop and sit awhile. This hot milk was being poured into my cup of strong coffee and it was one of those moments in time which I love to catch on film. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did that day.

One of the most lovely moments had with friends, is to sip coffee or a cup of tea. How many wonderful times I have sat with a friend or group to drink tea, as they so often do in Ireland. Either one, tea or coffee is good for me. I think it is the flair with which they pour that makes it more welcoming. It is often the company that makes it taste so much better. Don't you agree?

Just a suggestion, tomorrow wake up and make a cup for yourself and Jesus. He loves to sit and talk with us too you know. Make a special place in your home to take time to meditate and visit with Him. He will be delighted. Listen, there is a cup of coffee calling me right now. Do you hear it? Jesus is calling you too.

Here's a lovely poem my brother in Big Springs wrote me...
Hey mighty woman
Warrior for the Lord
Be of great courage

The opinion of man
Is as trash and scum
The opinion of God
is life to the bones

Listen to His voice
Calling to you His love
Hear His love song
Sung just for you

He sees you, really sees you
And He loves you
With a love stronger than
Even death

Rest in His arms next to His heart
Take comfort in His embrace
Lay your head on His shoulder
He will ease all your tears

So be strong mighty warrior
Be strong in our Lord God

God bless you my dear friends and family of God

The Rambling Rose Tig

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
March 4, 2010
This snapshot was taken in a small village in the Alsace of France, the home of my family in France. God did a marvelous miracle to help me find, not only my family, but family that knew Jesus and were filled with the spirit of God.
Often when telling this story people are amazed. I too, was amazed when we arrived on the dark cold and rainy evening. We found the champ d' hote, a room in a house through sheer determination. The next morning at breakfast the discovery was made. My family and the woman's family had married in the 1800's. A whole huge happiness began a long term relationship. Not only with my family members but with several others and a church as well.
Look what God can do and does do. I am thrilled today to tell you the doors God opens are powerful. I want to thank God for what He did for me that year. I praise His name for all His love and protection. There are so many things to tell about this testimony but you may just read it in my book someday. So hang on and you will learn more, or in future follow ups you may learn of one of the most wonderful moments in my life. Finding my past culture and family. There are deep connections to the blood. We are connected to the Father in Heaven by the blood of Jesus. It is a deep rich connection. Take advantage of Jesus and the inheritance He gives to us. Psalm 2:8 speaks to us of the inheritance God gives. Faith and knowledge of this has taken me to 23 nations in 15 years and many multiple times in one year. Wow, that is all I need to say now. Glory to God. He alone is worthy of the glory. I bow at His knees. Tig, the wild hearted rouge for Jesus...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Short and Sweet... The World our Inheritance

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
Feb. 1, 2010
My Dear Readers,
I love this huge globe found in a museum in Germany. When you enter my home you will find many globes and maps. The world has taken my heart and globes rise to meet you from everywhere. They sit on any empty space and hang even from the ceiling. They are all over my office. Many of them I have given away to bring vision to others as well.
In 1992, my life turned around when this scripture Psalm 2:8 came forth from the booming voice of a missionary. Ask of me, and I will give you the nations for thine inheritance and the ends of the earth for thy possession.
I wanted to fly to the top of the room and wiz around shouting to the Lord. That day, my life took a turn that would carry me to the ends of the earth and beyond. I took God's Word for what it was saying. I knew if God gave the nations to us, HE could provide for us to get to see them.
To this date 23 nations have been given to me as I've embraced the call to go the world and tell the good news. I just wanted to say how much I love the world and the people in the world. There is nothing which gives me more pleasure than to be with my family and the people from other parts of the world. Richness has come to me in people and cultures and the lands which God so loves. Be blessed my friend and take a hold of what God has for each of you. Collect on your inheritance, after all it belongs to each of us.
Here is a little quote for you. Concentrate on where you want to go not on what you fear. Anthony Robbins
And remember this from God's Word...All things are possible to him who believes.
Blessings, Dale (Tig)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

January 16th, 2010
How does one see the world around us? I see it all and love the beauty of God's creation. Every little detail of even the trees and plants are a delight to look upon. The beauty of buildings that man creates are quite amazing. The world is a huge wonderful place filled with surprises beyond your wildest dreams. To explore path ways to new peoples and cultures is eye opening. The nations are our inheritance. Psalm 2:8 is my favorite scripture. I am sitting her tonight writing to you because I am thinking of how much God loves the nations and how He will give them to us if we only ask.
I can remember so well the sounds of palm branches swaying in the wind when I would rise to write and study God's Word when I lived in Spain. It is a soothing noise that made me rush to the window to watch the movement of these stately trees. If I let go to just think on it, I can hear the noisy streets. Hundreds of shoes and heels clicking on the tile floors or brick streets, people's laughter calling to you so that you actually wanted to join in, dogs barking, the loud screeches of street hawkers selling their wares, the flapping of pigeons wings as a little child scatters them with his little cry of joy. It is a noise I can hear almost constantly in my heart when I remember. Hundreds of voices all talking, gossiping, and stirring emotions mixed with the morning and the outdoor cafes serving morning churros and strong coffee.
The streets are always filled with people in the cities and even small villages. The shops are open and the markets lure you to buy fish for your mid-day meal. Vegetables are resting in neat stacks all adorned with their glorious colors waiting to be purchased for a great dish.One that is filled with spices, onions, and garlic. Oh, how the smells waft on the morning air tempting you to invite yourself to dinner. It can starve you, that is for sure.
I was thinking tonight of quotes as well as memorable moments. I have often been inspired with quotes. I will share one of my favorites and then go to bed to read before I sleep. I hope you like it and remember to pray for the nations.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover" Mark Twain
God bless you my friends,
Dale (Tig)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Camel For Your Desert

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
I will never forget this moment in Africa. I guess some people might think me a little wild and others might think of me as a little crazy. But my desire to ride a camel on the sandy shores of an ancient village opened a door for a man to find Christ.
What an amazing animal this woolly beast is. Their reputation to spit was not reigned on me of which I was extremely grateful. This lumbering animal is much more graceful than he looks. He is truly a ship in the desert. He can carry huge amounts of goods and walk long distances through the hot desert. His skin and hair is used for many things, he is ridden into battle and often he is even used as food. I prefer to just ride them, not eat them.
To sit atop this gallant stead was a thrill and as his huge feet gently touched the sand I could see my reflection.I felt like the queen of the Nile but there was not Nile and I am no queen. If my mother could see me now was all I could think about. God used this short ride on this tall guy to help me reach a Muslim man with the message of Christ Jesus. I shall never forget the laughter of the little curly headed man when he confessed Jesus as Lord and spoke in tongues with me. It was a moment to never be forgotten. I pray for him and many others who have chosen to believe in Christ in spite of the danger it could be to them.
How would you like to take a journey and ride a camel as he lopes down the shore with you bumping up and down on the saddle, sitting high over his hump? Perhaps we can go together someday.
God bless you my friends,
Dale (Tig)
Think big, that is how you accomplish great things for the Lord
Put God first and He will lift you and exalt you for His glory
Give the glory to God and walk in humility, you will be glad you did
Remember regrets are the past holding you back from the future God has for you

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
I Chronicles 28: 9
As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him you will be found by Him.
I love this quote I heard it once but not sure where it comes from. "The blossom that blooms in the greatest adversity is the most beautiful of all." Plants struggle sometimes in heat, cold and lack of water but often they continue to bloom. Have you ever seen a little flower or plant growing in a rock or a small hole with little if any dirt?
The life we live is sometimes a struggle making it hard to live in the adversity we face. We all face life situations that can stir us into depression or pain. It is, in these times that we must keep on growing and to bloom where we are planted. It would be easier to wither and die but to live is glorious. Look at the lovely flower in the photo. What if it were barely hanging on and all shriveled up? Would we enjoy it as much? Would it give glory to the creator?
I guess God is talking to me as I write to you. Keep on smiling and pressing in to obtain the Word of God in your life.. for Jesus said He is the burden bearer and He will lift us up. We cannot make light of pain and sadness but we can become beautiful as we march through and overcome the adversity that comes to steal and kill our life, our bodies, our hope, and our dreams.
Words of Wisdom
Remember God is at the helm of your earthly ship, let Him guide
Follow the footsteps of Christ.. HE was more than an over comer as He made us to be
Bloom where you are planted and let God take your blossoms to the world
Reach out to others and help people but lead them to Christ.. He does the best job in changing lives and situations
Be a blessing and encourage one another and rest in Him
Tig (Dale)
World Rescuers

Thursday, January 7, 2010

As Many As the Sands of The Sea

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

It was under one of those incredible star lit nights in Texas when God joined me in the front yard.

One of those hot summer nights when there was no breeze and we had no air conditioner. After miserably rolling and tossing I needed a breath of air. I recall it very well, it was almost two in the morning. Night creatures we humming and screeching their little violins and songs were coming forth of a long hot summer. The air was filled with a slight coolness and I knew there was a surprise coming, it filled the air. As I slipped quietly down the hall to step onto the front porch I grabbed my Grandmother's hand sewn quilt so I could lay on the grass.

Of course being a country girl, I checked for rattle snakes and centipedes. They crawl on the hot cement at night to find relief from the heat or to warm their bellys if it is cool. Relief, did i say relieft from heat, there were none. My feet felt like dancing into the yard. There was a tense excitement about my little adventure to lay under the starry sky in my pajamas. We lived out of town so was not worried about traffic and all was quiet on the country front so to speak.

The crunchy grass crackled under my house shoes. There was a slight movement of air making it better than the hot stale air inside the house. With a snap of my wrists the light weight quilt flipped into the air with a popping sound, then it began to fold slowly onto the ground. After checking my surroundings once again I thought to myself. Now, I will sit for awhile and enjoy the Jesus light show.

It was a spectacular sight. One of those truly special heavenly spectacles. I flopped onto the blanket. A peace settled in and what a moment filled with marvel at God's wonders took my attention. Something sat down beside me and I jumped as I quickly turned to see who it was. Someone was there but He was invisible. I could feel Him and such a comfort it was. Father God had come to sit with me. It was so real I could feel Him so I talked. "Father, I want to travel the world and do good things for you. Can I?"

"Dale, do you remember what I told Abraham when we stood under the stars one night long ago?" I said yes and He then told me about the grains of the sea and the stars of the sky. He talked about the promise Father Abraham had received about all those many descendants. "Now, you will help Him and I to fulfill that promise." Then HE was gone from my immediate presence. I knew HE was still with me but I knew HE had manifested Himself in a way I had never felt before.

Startling emotions stirred around in me. It was overwhelming. I lay back to gaze in that black deepness watching stars twinkle and something was racing in a chariot up there, was it a star chasing another? Nasa says they do this. Or was it one of God's children taking a joy ride? It did not matter to me,I had been with God and I would never be the same again.

I lay there asking God, "Now, how in the world will I travel the word write books and save souls as you have told me tonight?" There is no possible way to do all you told me to do. God would show me and teach me many things before he released me to live by faith and strike out in complete faith. Many times with one way tickets and only a small amount of daily supply. Never did I suffer or go without and many times even going beyond what could possibly be done to take one more place for Jesus. I lived a life of intrigue, adventure, obedience, and great trust. I shall always be grateful for all God did to help me find my path.

There were no instructions, no great wisdom, no words came out of heaven but I somehow knew I was to obey His voice and hide the words He had spoken to me. Hide them in my heart,I did just that. I did and He did and twenty years later I was joined to a Bible school there meeting several missionaries and ministers. I had prayed for doors and opportunities wondering how it would happen. I kept faith vigil until I found the path to take. One door, one step, one act of obedience to do what was at hand to do.

Now, fifteen years later God has taken me to nations and numerous times many of the 23 lands visited, I have brought the good news of Jesus to many many people and He has saved multitudes. I can not brag except on God and His mighty power to provide, teach, and direct. One hand of sand has many grains... look at all the sands of the seas and deserts. It is amazing to think of it all but when it is God speaking it comes to pass.

God does not give us overcoming life--He gives us life as we overcome. Spiritual life and power comes after we get up and get going. WE have to take the intuitive.

God bless you my friends, Tig (Dale)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Moonbeams on a Shimmering River

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig January 6,2010
Hi everyone, today I had two lovely fellow missionaries over for dinner. They have moved near us. It was delightful to see them so we talked and talked.
They are gone now so I wanted to write to you before reading myself to sleep. I was doing that very thing the other day. It inspired me to write a short version of a night I can never forget.
Moon Beams Kiss the River
The old Mercedes taxi sped toward our small village as night crept in to place its darkness on the light of day. What a day it had been. Bibles given out and much walking gave way for meditation. Thoughts of the people I had come to love and live among were drifting through my mind. Mixed emotions too deep to be expressed stirred within my mind and heart.
Deep within my inward being tears lurked. A cry of a wounded animal pushed its way up my throat. I choked it down so as not to disturb the others in the car. It was a cry of pain beyond belief. Leaving, it was time to leave again when all I wanted to do was move and live among this ancient people group. Hoping to bring them more of the knowledge of the Bible and Jesus.
I was always leaving my tears upon the lands I had embraced. 23 nations in fact have had the tears of this weeping prophet upon them. God told me in the 70's that I would hear the cries of many nations and would find my path leading me to carry the good news of Christ to them.
A lovely breeze blew in the window as I leaned closer to peer into the darkening horizon. There was a huge yellow moon in the sky. It was so close I felt I could reach out and touch it. Then it happened. We crossed a narrow river. Wind stirred up the waters and ripples could be clearly seen. The dark of the night upon the waters made it look black. Shimmering movements of white and grey churned up as the wind moved upon the water.
As we neared this scene the most incredible display of moonbeams came from the heavens to touch the river. It was like a leak had occurred in the moon and it was pouring its yellow liquid beams into the water. Shivers ran across my shoulders, my heart raced. It is so hard to describe this scene. It was one of those things in life you take a mental photo and wish you could have caught it on camera. Warm tears ran down my face as I privately talked to Father God. Thank you for this. I will come again if you are willing. I did come again, a few more times ; then my season ended and God began speaking to me of taking a new nation, Israel.
I have seen many displays of the moon but this extraodinary sight was the best ever. I can only say, it was God and I were sharing a deep secret that night. Then someone laughed, the taxi passed so quickly. I only wish we could have sat and stared as we worshipped our creator.
Tig's Golden Nuggets
Laugh well and laugh long
Kick the devil with the Word of God and have the last laugh
Let your heart laugh when it is troubled
There is a season to laugh, then there too; is a season to cry
Sarah laughed but so did Abraham ( look it up) but they had the child God promised
I have laughed outside my tent as well when God told me I would travel the world, BUT I DID
Many times I took to the road or the air to go to a land God had talked to me about.
I did it by faith and wisdom, trusting and obeying to go where God said go.
God bless you my dears, this young woman in Christ is ready to send this off and head for the reading and sleeping room.
Tig John 3:16

Monday, January 4, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig 1/3/2010
Tonight I am up late thinking of the world with its many troubles.
But this comes to mind as I meditate. Be not troubled! This is what Jesus told His disciples. Are we not His children and disciples? A disciple is a seeker? Are you seeking?
God has instructed me to seek Him like never before. To be prepared to stand for truth. To be ready to face what is coming. Do not put your head in the sand like the ostrich. Put on the armor of God and use the sword of God's Word. Be a lion roaring louder than the enemy. Blow the trumpet in Zion and wherever you are.
I cooked a nice meal, talked to a fellow Christian about life and the Word and read most of the day. I prayed for my little friend today who is in the hospital. It is time to find some sleep. So I will sign off now. Blessings to you my readers.
If you always understand that people are in your life for a reason you will never be angry. Unknown "oops that makes me say ouch."

Friday, January 1, 2010

Roller Coaster Ride of Life

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig Jan. 1,2010
Before I say much tonight I want to thank God for this man, my husband. HE and I have been married for almost 43 years now, February 12 is our anniversary. HE has stood by me through thick and thin and God gave him the ability to send me around the world and sacrifice his comforts of having a wife at home for certain periods of time.
For this let's give a big shout of praise to God. He was in Spain with me in this photo and he helped me in Mexico, the Bahamas, and also in Ireland. He loved it and says he will go again. He is a home body but who knows what God will do in this new year. Who knows? But this we do know, someday HE is coming back and we are all praying for this. To see our King in all His glory! Wow!!
Well everyone, this is the first day of a new beginning which is 2010. What will you do with this year or what will you face? Do you like new beginnings? Sometimes I do, then there are times I wish it could just stay the same. But, life does change and we must make adaptions along with the changes.
Life also has it ups and downs and I often like to teach this can be like a roller coaster ride filled with many ups and downs and many circles which offer opportunites to scream. I say, let's just scream Jesus, stand up and shout your faith, then ride it out while he helps us get back on tract. Scream Jesus whether you are going up or down. It all keeps you going and walking in His might and power.
Often life offers great moments then it comes along and gives some fear or pain and sorrow. I can't say I have always done well when pain came, but I can tell you I did overcome because I wanted more than anything to be more like Jesus. We are more than over comers in Christ and through Christ. I have discovered, it was often my attitude or my lack of following God when things went wrong.
Here is the best thing to do, scream Jesus name speaking the Word of God and get on with it. Yes, some of you might say, well take your own advice. Well, I have and I think I might just scream Jesus a little louder. The devil does not like us when we preach the gospel. He lays traps for each of us but those who win souls and preach the Word of God are especially prime targets. So pray for those who take the responsibility and encourage your pastors, your teachers, evangelists, and of course one another for each of us are priests and kings to our Lord.
God bless you and join me in making this year a year to put Jesus first not neglecting our love for Him
Roger and Dale (Tig)