Thursday, January 7, 2010

As Many As the Sands of The Sea

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

It was under one of those incredible star lit nights in Texas when God joined me in the front yard.

One of those hot summer nights when there was no breeze and we had no air conditioner. After miserably rolling and tossing I needed a breath of air. I recall it very well, it was almost two in the morning. Night creatures we humming and screeching their little violins and songs were coming forth of a long hot summer. The air was filled with a slight coolness and I knew there was a surprise coming, it filled the air. As I slipped quietly down the hall to step onto the front porch I grabbed my Grandmother's hand sewn quilt so I could lay on the grass.

Of course being a country girl, I checked for rattle snakes and centipedes. They crawl on the hot cement at night to find relief from the heat or to warm their bellys if it is cool. Relief, did i say relieft from heat, there were none. My feet felt like dancing into the yard. There was a tense excitement about my little adventure to lay under the starry sky in my pajamas. We lived out of town so was not worried about traffic and all was quiet on the country front so to speak.

The crunchy grass crackled under my house shoes. There was a slight movement of air making it better than the hot stale air inside the house. With a snap of my wrists the light weight quilt flipped into the air with a popping sound, then it began to fold slowly onto the ground. After checking my surroundings once again I thought to myself. Now, I will sit for awhile and enjoy the Jesus light show.

It was a spectacular sight. One of those truly special heavenly spectacles. I flopped onto the blanket. A peace settled in and what a moment filled with marvel at God's wonders took my attention. Something sat down beside me and I jumped as I quickly turned to see who it was. Someone was there but He was invisible. I could feel Him and such a comfort it was. Father God had come to sit with me. It was so real I could feel Him so I talked. "Father, I want to travel the world and do good things for you. Can I?"

"Dale, do you remember what I told Abraham when we stood under the stars one night long ago?" I said yes and He then told me about the grains of the sea and the stars of the sky. He talked about the promise Father Abraham had received about all those many descendants. "Now, you will help Him and I to fulfill that promise." Then HE was gone from my immediate presence. I knew HE was still with me but I knew HE had manifested Himself in a way I had never felt before.

Startling emotions stirred around in me. It was overwhelming. I lay back to gaze in that black deepness watching stars twinkle and something was racing in a chariot up there, was it a star chasing another? Nasa says they do this. Or was it one of God's children taking a joy ride? It did not matter to me,I had been with God and I would never be the same again.

I lay there asking God, "Now, how in the world will I travel the word write books and save souls as you have told me tonight?" There is no possible way to do all you told me to do. God would show me and teach me many things before he released me to live by faith and strike out in complete faith. Many times with one way tickets and only a small amount of daily supply. Never did I suffer or go without and many times even going beyond what could possibly be done to take one more place for Jesus. I lived a life of intrigue, adventure, obedience, and great trust. I shall always be grateful for all God did to help me find my path.

There were no instructions, no great wisdom, no words came out of heaven but I somehow knew I was to obey His voice and hide the words He had spoken to me. Hide them in my heart,I did just that. I did and He did and twenty years later I was joined to a Bible school there meeting several missionaries and ministers. I had prayed for doors and opportunities wondering how it would happen. I kept faith vigil until I found the path to take. One door, one step, one act of obedience to do what was at hand to do.

Now, fifteen years later God has taken me to nations and numerous times many of the 23 lands visited, I have brought the good news of Jesus to many many people and He has saved multitudes. I can not brag except on God and His mighty power to provide, teach, and direct. One hand of sand has many grains... look at all the sands of the seas and deserts. It is amazing to think of it all but when it is God speaking it comes to pass.

God does not give us overcoming life--He gives us life as we overcome. Spiritual life and power comes after we get up and get going. WE have to take the intuitive.

God bless you my friends, Tig (Dale)

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