Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Moonbeams on a Shimmering River

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig January 6,2010
Hi everyone, today I had two lovely fellow missionaries over for dinner. They have moved near us. It was delightful to see them so we talked and talked.
They are gone now so I wanted to write to you before reading myself to sleep. I was doing that very thing the other day. It inspired me to write a short version of a night I can never forget.
Moon Beams Kiss the River
The old Mercedes taxi sped toward our small village as night crept in to place its darkness on the light of day. What a day it had been. Bibles given out and much walking gave way for meditation. Thoughts of the people I had come to love and live among were drifting through my mind. Mixed emotions too deep to be expressed stirred within my mind and heart.
Deep within my inward being tears lurked. A cry of a wounded animal pushed its way up my throat. I choked it down so as not to disturb the others in the car. It was a cry of pain beyond belief. Leaving, it was time to leave again when all I wanted to do was move and live among this ancient people group. Hoping to bring them more of the knowledge of the Bible and Jesus.
I was always leaving my tears upon the lands I had embraced. 23 nations in fact have had the tears of this weeping prophet upon them. God told me in the 70's that I would hear the cries of many nations and would find my path leading me to carry the good news of Christ to them.
A lovely breeze blew in the window as I leaned closer to peer into the darkening horizon. There was a huge yellow moon in the sky. It was so close I felt I could reach out and touch it. Then it happened. We crossed a narrow river. Wind stirred up the waters and ripples could be clearly seen. The dark of the night upon the waters made it look black. Shimmering movements of white and grey churned up as the wind moved upon the water.
As we neared this scene the most incredible display of moonbeams came from the heavens to touch the river. It was like a leak had occurred in the moon and it was pouring its yellow liquid beams into the water. Shivers ran across my shoulders, my heart raced. It is so hard to describe this scene. It was one of those things in life you take a mental photo and wish you could have caught it on camera. Warm tears ran down my face as I privately talked to Father God. Thank you for this. I will come again if you are willing. I did come again, a few more times ; then my season ended and God began speaking to me of taking a new nation, Israel.
I have seen many displays of the moon but this extraodinary sight was the best ever. I can only say, it was God and I were sharing a deep secret that night. Then someone laughed, the taxi passed so quickly. I only wish we could have sat and stared as we worshipped our creator.
Tig's Golden Nuggets
Laugh well and laugh long
Kick the devil with the Word of God and have the last laugh
Let your heart laugh when it is troubled
There is a season to laugh, then there too; is a season to cry
Sarah laughed but so did Abraham ( look it up) but they had the child God promised
I have laughed outside my tent as well when God told me I would travel the world, BUT I DID
Many times I took to the road or the air to go to a land God had talked to me about.
I did it by faith and wisdom, trusting and obeying to go where God said go.
God bless you my dears, this young woman in Christ is ready to send this off and head for the reading and sleeping room.
Tig John 3:16

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