Monday, January 4, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig 1/3/2010
Tonight I am up late thinking of the world with its many troubles.
But this comes to mind as I meditate. Be not troubled! This is what Jesus told His disciples. Are we not His children and disciples? A disciple is a seeker? Are you seeking?
God has instructed me to seek Him like never before. To be prepared to stand for truth. To be ready to face what is coming. Do not put your head in the sand like the ostrich. Put on the armor of God and use the sword of God's Word. Be a lion roaring louder than the enemy. Blow the trumpet in Zion and wherever you are.
I cooked a nice meal, talked to a fellow Christian about life and the Word and read most of the day. I prayed for my little friend today who is in the hospital. It is time to find some sleep. So I will sign off now. Blessings to you my readers.
If you always understand that people are in your life for a reason you will never be angry. Unknown "oops that makes me say ouch."

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