Friday, January 1, 2010

Roller Coaster Ride of Life

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig Jan. 1,2010
Before I say much tonight I want to thank God for this man, my husband. HE and I have been married for almost 43 years now, February 12 is our anniversary. HE has stood by me through thick and thin and God gave him the ability to send me around the world and sacrifice his comforts of having a wife at home for certain periods of time.
For this let's give a big shout of praise to God. He was in Spain with me in this photo and he helped me in Mexico, the Bahamas, and also in Ireland. He loved it and says he will go again. He is a home body but who knows what God will do in this new year. Who knows? But this we do know, someday HE is coming back and we are all praying for this. To see our King in all His glory! Wow!!
Well everyone, this is the first day of a new beginning which is 2010. What will you do with this year or what will you face? Do you like new beginnings? Sometimes I do, then there are times I wish it could just stay the same. But, life does change and we must make adaptions along with the changes.
Life also has it ups and downs and I often like to teach this can be like a roller coaster ride filled with many ups and downs and many circles which offer opportunites to scream. I say, let's just scream Jesus, stand up and shout your faith, then ride it out while he helps us get back on tract. Scream Jesus whether you are going up or down. It all keeps you going and walking in His might and power.
Often life offers great moments then it comes along and gives some fear or pain and sorrow. I can't say I have always done well when pain came, but I can tell you I did overcome because I wanted more than anything to be more like Jesus. We are more than over comers in Christ and through Christ. I have discovered, it was often my attitude or my lack of following God when things went wrong.
Here is the best thing to do, scream Jesus name speaking the Word of God and get on with it. Yes, some of you might say, well take your own advice. Well, I have and I think I might just scream Jesus a little louder. The devil does not like us when we preach the gospel. He lays traps for each of us but those who win souls and preach the Word of God are especially prime targets. So pray for those who take the responsibility and encourage your pastors, your teachers, evangelists, and of course one another for each of us are priests and kings to our Lord.
God bless you and join me in making this year a year to put Jesus first not neglecting our love for Him
Roger and Dale (Tig)

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