Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Blessed New Year from Gypsy Rose Blog Tig

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

Well, this is New Years Eve and I am in my office thinking of all my friends. This year, is one which many of us are very glad to see go.

Just as this lovely photo of spring bloosoms reminds us of new life, I want to remind myself and each of you that Jesus is coming again and what a day that will be. He gave us new life and will again when HE comes for His church.

Today I made a nice roast with Brazilain spice rub and fresh greens with a blend of wild rices. It was delicious. Tomorrow I will make several things to eat which will remind me of God. Dates which in Hebrew mean consumed. WE pray "May our enemies be consumed."

Pomegranates which contain up to 613 seeds, the exact number of commandments in the Bible. May we in the coming year complete as many good deeds as the pomegranate has seeds."

Apples sprinked in honey, "May our whole year be sweet." And Black eyed peas which are plentiful and represent fertility. "May we be blessed with many children." For those of us not wanting more children we do want people to become children of God, so they may come to the knowledge of Him who lived and died for us, Christ Jesus.

Zucchini, simmered until they become translucent and airy. "May our sins be as light as air."

Beets, roasted and drizzled with olive oil. "May we be red-faced, full of health and happiness."
Leeks, served in broth. The Hebrew word means to cut off. "May our enemies be cut off."

God bless you this year and show you great blessings to find a life with Him greater and greater.
Roger and Dale (Tig) We love you all and think of you all the time.

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