Monday, December 21, 2009

The Joy of Meeting People on The Road
Hey friends out there I am sorry for delays on blogging. The day to day life can be a bother at times as you all know. I have been delayed, no excuse just facts.
I wish for each of you the best for what is coming in the new year and your future. Often when things get tough we pour our hearts out to others. Isn't it wonderful to have someone to do this with?
I have been working to make life changing decisions for the new year and one is to keep my heart pure and ready to receive all God has for me. I saw this old man and his face made me think I want to have this shining joy on my face everyday. This older gent was a Polish survivor of the Holocaust. He lived in a tiny village along the path my journey was carrying me on. Stopping to take a photo of his lovely doorway gave way for him to peek out that very door I was shooting a photo of. He was so delighted.
The joy on his face gives me joy and I was hoping it would bless you as well. The world can be a lonely place and we all search for our kindred spirits. There is no bond greater than one shared over a common passion or goal. May God give you that group of kindred spirits to soothe the weary days that come. I know God always makes the way for us when we search and seek Him. Seek Him this year with all your heart and may we celebrate Him everyday of our lives.
Blessings to you

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