Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

January 16th, 2010
How does one see the world around us? I see it all and love the beauty of God's creation. Every little detail of even the trees and plants are a delight to look upon. The beauty of buildings that man creates are quite amazing. The world is a huge wonderful place filled with surprises beyond your wildest dreams. To explore path ways to new peoples and cultures is eye opening. The nations are our inheritance. Psalm 2:8 is my favorite scripture. I am sitting her tonight writing to you because I am thinking of how much God loves the nations and how He will give them to us if we only ask.
I can remember so well the sounds of palm branches swaying in the wind when I would rise to write and study God's Word when I lived in Spain. It is a soothing noise that made me rush to the window to watch the movement of these stately trees. If I let go to just think on it, I can hear the noisy streets. Hundreds of shoes and heels clicking on the tile floors or brick streets, people's laughter calling to you so that you actually wanted to join in, dogs barking, the loud screeches of street hawkers selling their wares, the flapping of pigeons wings as a little child scatters them with his little cry of joy. It is a noise I can hear almost constantly in my heart when I remember. Hundreds of voices all talking, gossiping, and stirring emotions mixed with the morning and the outdoor cafes serving morning churros and strong coffee.
The streets are always filled with people in the cities and even small villages. The shops are open and the markets lure you to buy fish for your mid-day meal. Vegetables are resting in neat stacks all adorned with their glorious colors waiting to be purchased for a great dish.One that is filled with spices, onions, and garlic. Oh, how the smells waft on the morning air tempting you to invite yourself to dinner. It can starve you, that is for sure.
I was thinking tonight of quotes as well as memorable moments. I have often been inspired with quotes. I will share one of my favorites and then go to bed to read before I sleep. I hope you like it and remember to pray for the nations.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover" Mark Twain
God bless you my friends,
Dale (Tig)

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