Monday, January 11, 2010

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
I Chronicles 28: 9
As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him you will be found by Him.
I love this quote I heard it once but not sure where it comes from. "The blossom that blooms in the greatest adversity is the most beautiful of all." Plants struggle sometimes in heat, cold and lack of water but often they continue to bloom. Have you ever seen a little flower or plant growing in a rock or a small hole with little if any dirt?
The life we live is sometimes a struggle making it hard to live in the adversity we face. We all face life situations that can stir us into depression or pain. It is, in these times that we must keep on growing and to bloom where we are planted. It would be easier to wither and die but to live is glorious. Look at the lovely flower in the photo. What if it were barely hanging on and all shriveled up? Would we enjoy it as much? Would it give glory to the creator?
I guess God is talking to me as I write to you. Keep on smiling and pressing in to obtain the Word of God in your life.. for Jesus said He is the burden bearer and He will lift us up. We cannot make light of pain and sadness but we can become beautiful as we march through and overcome the adversity that comes to steal and kill our life, our bodies, our hope, and our dreams.
Words of Wisdom
Remember God is at the helm of your earthly ship, let Him guide
Follow the footsteps of Christ.. HE was more than an over comer as He made us to be
Bloom where you are planted and let God take your blossoms to the world
Reach out to others and help people but lead them to Christ.. He does the best job in changing lives and situations
Be a blessing and encourage one another and rest in Him
Tig (Dale)
World Rescuers

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