Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog
by Tig Davis March 21, 2010
Dear Friends,

Hey, does this porch look inviting? It was lovely and so quiet and quaint. What a memory I have of finding this place. It was along the route of one of those wild road trips we made as we were coming back from ministry time in Switzerland and France.

I love porches, especially when there is a friend to sit with, chatting about all the lovely things God does for you. Porches are made for visiting. Do you have a porch?

I will keep this very short tonight. I have been away with my elderly parents. Age comes to all of us but I want to say this. Keep yourself in God and keep fit. God promises to give us long life and blessings but we might want to take some time out to sit with Him chatting over His goodness and mercy, resting in Him and Him alone. Stress comes but God will relieve you of stress if you take time out to rest in Him. I have had to learn this. It is very rewarding to say the least.

I hope you have a good day tomorrow. God loves you so much He wants you to be prepared for what is coming in the days ahead. Study to show yourself approved. Pray diligently with fervor for the Lord's work. Take care of your body for no one else will do it for you. Be blessed in Jesus name. Cook up some good food and sip a little tea on the porch as you think of all those God has given into your life. Love you all very much. Blessings from Tigi, the rambling rose girl loving Jesus with all my heart.

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