Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

by Dale Davis (tig) March 24, 2010

quote from Helen Keller
Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.

I am not sure why but quotes have always inspired me. Especially ones that drive you onward. Have you ever seen a garden and wished you could go inside and touch all the flowers. This is a privilege of those of us who raise gardens. This quote made me realize there are so many beautiful people in the world that are not touched yet by the hand of God. They desperately need God to touch them. The world has done nothing more than given them pain. So they need the tender touch of God.

Each person in the world has a fragrance of their own and when God touches a person that fragrance comes forth for others to see and feel. The more we have the fragrance of Jesus in our lives the more the world will be a garden of delight.. Yes, the world is quickly going to seed and rotting on the ground. But we can make the world a better place if we let the fragrance of God come out to make the world a better more delightful place. Draw nigh to Him and He will draw nigh to you.. then His fragrance will spread like a garden of roses all in bloom.

God bless all you friends who are flowers in the garden of God
Dale (Tig) the Rambling Rose

1 comment:

  1. Not sure how to be a "follower"..... so I am posting a comment. =) Have a great day!
