Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig Davis
April 1, 2010

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future."

This is one of many peoples favorite verse for it gives us hope. It comes from Jeremiah 29: 11. In another translation is says, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and hope. It is a good thing to know that God is guiding our footsteps but we must know His voice to obey the direction God is leading us into. There are roadblocks constantly in our paths so we must be aware of the voices or things which lead us from his will for our lives.

Go the way the Spirit leads you. I must tell you this, we all make mistakes which bring disappointments that assault us, causing us to be rocked and left feeling unstable. It is then that we are not certain which way we should go or even if we should go.

So, what is most important? To take time to listen to that still small voice of God. To know his voice we must read and study His Word. Sometimes God gives marching orders but then too he gives resting orders. All I can say is this, it is vital for our spiritual, mental, and physical health to know when to go and when to stop and when to just stand and then stand some more.

Sometimes God is altering and rearranging things so a greater more powerful thing can be done in our lives. So rise up and make your way to the greatness which God has in store for you. Pull up your spiritual self and move in Him and let His loving kindness bring you to the richness of His love. God bless you all. Yes, I have much experience in both listening and not listening. I much prefer the listening to God's direction. It is most valuable and keeps me out of trouble.

World Rescuers
The Rambling Rose Dale Davis

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