Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

April 28, 2010

Tonight as we drove to visit my brother and sister in law there was an awesome moon luring me to think back to a special time on one of my many journeys.It was a full moon in fact, bright shining against a mellow sky line. My heart beat as if it were thundering inside. The window of the car was down allowing the breeze of a spring night to touch the heart. How I love those moments. Remembering times gone by but not forgotten.

It was, for that small piece of time; a little reflection carrying me back to a fond memory of people and places truly meaningful. As my missionary buddy and our worker and taxi driver rode silently homeward that evening, there was a moon and sky almost exactly like there was tonight. That raging emotional night in North Africa grabs at my heart of hearts making it feel like I've been skinned to the bones. There is no other way to describe the loneliness you feel for a land and its people and the love you have for the work of God.

It was the last night for our work in Africa on that journey. The cool of the evening air left the glass of the window feeling nice to my tear stained cheeks. Crazy thoughts raced through my mind. If only this peace could last forever. Why must there be so much division among men of all races and religions? I think, not only the earth trembles as it waits for the savior, we people who watch for the coming of Christ are trembling with anxious hope to keep us from the harm and evil of the world. Pray for the world, your home and family, friends, and the ministers and pastors of churches. It is time to cry out for the world for all mankind and God's chosen people the Jews are in great need. I have been to 23 nations crying out for the people and recently my journey of life began to lead me to the land of Israel.

Isaiah 40: 3 2-5
Speak comfortably to Jerusalem and cry for her, for she was filled with violence and delighted in sin; and she has received from the Lord's hand double punishment for all her sins, 3 The voice of him that cries in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
4 Every valley shall be filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the rough places smooth, 5 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.

The world moves in a way we truly do not understand. Thank God He has made a way and that way is through Christ Jesus. Come to him and give Him your life. You will find great peace in knowing Him and obeying His Word.

signing off for the evening
God bless you,
Tig (Dale Davis)

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