Sunday, April 18, 2010

Passage of Time

The Wandering Gypsy Rose By Tig
March 19th, 2010

Yes, that is me, the wanderer always wondering what or who or when. My traveling shoes lie in my closet, put away but not hidden. The travel bug bit me on my first journey to Mexico in the 70's. That was when I knew without a doubt that I was called to be a missionary taking the truth of the gospel to lands where there was less than 1% Christian. Yes, I go back that far, 62 years; but I have learned to be thrilled I have served God and man for over 40 years. In fact, I go back further in time than I like to remember, so I choose to only remember today. Oh, if only I had learned this sooner, live in the moment and wait for the next one.

Life has it's way of sneaking up on you when you finally realize you are on the down side rather than the up, at this time of life you think a lot about all you have done or not done. Hate to say it, but you think too about all the mistakes you made along the passage of time. Then one day you choose to put the past behind moving forward one moment at a time. You stretch your older body and mind just a little more deciding, the principle of the power of words, makes one negative and the body will respond to the mind and (wa la) they get in agreement and you are old over night and aging every day. So I am learning to keep my mouth shut and keep on saying, "I will be the best for whatever age I am." Right now I am being the best 60myear old I can be. This helps me not give in to the signs of aging. P.S. I don't look in the mirror so much anymore. I just try to be me and be good to people. I look around me and find people who are aging gracefully. They inspire me and God inspires me to come up higher.

Yept, not good English but we do get older. But, we do not have to let it consume us as many do. Why, most people go over the hill at 40. I picked up speed at 40 and kept on rolling until 2007. Making 23 nations and traveling hard and fast. Then the brakes were set by my and others choices and I knew what it felt like to be older and very very tired.

An emotional tragedy happened during that year which took me down so low I admit I wanted to die or just give up. It seemed like all my dreams and visions had melted right in front of my eyes. We all face depressions, changes, hurts, and betrayals but we can make it over the grave which these devilish things dig for us. Instead of digging my grave like I was tempted to do I began searching and seeking a way out of the fears and the terrific pain. I read books on getting over loss and depression. Loss is painful whether it is things or dreams or people that we loose. The human mind was made to be fruitful and to find success, it does not do well with failure. All else works against us. So seeking God to show us how to make our way through the fog of life is what we must do in times of sorrow. Negative brings in the darkness to slow our journey of life. We seem to be blinded by the fog of life that darkens our path.

One of my dearest friends and I have said this for years, "Onward through the fog." We laugh after we chuck up our junky feelings and emotions and problems.. then we say with a grin in our hearts and on our changing face, "Onward through the fog."

You have to press and be determined to overcome what one faces in life.. This life is certainly imperfect and getting more so everyday. Our only hope is Jesus and following the truth given to us in the Bible. I am fine now, it took some time, some tears, and determination to get over the mountain of trouble but I did! Bulldog tenacity to get better got me there. People helped and I am grateful for them, but it took me and God to get the broken pieces all back in place. I think like old cars,we just need some repairs sometimes.

I hope sharing my little piece of my life with you will help you too make your journey a little better by being determined and stubborn enough to make it happen for you. Let go of things and that which holds you back and get on with life.. There are still many good things in life and one is family and friends.. and of course God. There are many fish in the sea I was told long ago by my grandmother. That is so true.. many kinds but there are many out there in the sea of life. So when life gives you lemons make that jug of lemonade, put on some music and meditate on the good things you have done and what you can still accomplish.. Spoken from experience. Bless you my dears. When there is a will God makes the way.

Wandering Rose Woman Tig Davis

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