Friday, April 16, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog April 16th, 2010

Hey everyone wanna take a trip to the zoo?

What a photo right? Bet you think I was in the cage with him or her, whatever. Nope, won't play with your mind, I was outside the cage. There was a glass between us. It does look like we were kissing. I love nature and animals. God gave them to us to give us pleasure. This little guy in a zoo in Spain was just a friendly little fellow.
It gave me great pleasure to get this smacking kiss. It was just one of those moments in life I treasure.

Let's talk about moments. In all my 62 years I have discovered a truth about life. That is, to take one moment at at time and breath as you enjoy just that one moment. We were not made for the fast rushing pace we put upon ourselves or even others put on us. But we live in this world and we have to work to be in the world but not of the world. Ideas and people are trying to change out thinking and laws and morals. I for one, know there is only one thing I can rely on and that is God and His Word which we find in the Bible. So after many years of pushing, shoving, and running like a race horse I have slowed down a little to take time to smell the roses. I grow them in my garden and love them very much. I am spending more time alone with myself and find that I am not a bad person to be with. He he. At least I know what I am thinking, not so sure of others thoughts.

I just want to say it takes a whole life time to learn some lessons and how I wish I would have known or had some older wiser person to tell me some things. Would I have listened? Not too sure, well I did listen to some advice and when I found the Bible to be life and health to my flesh and my spirit I learned that it is better to find wisdom than silver and gold. My lesson for the day and it is time to stop to take one of those precious moments to read before bed time. God bless you my young and older friends.. The wandering Rose Girl Dale (Tig)

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