Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
April 22, 2010

Dear Friends,

Do you like the sea? I do. The sea reminds me of God in so many ways. It is salty and never looses its salt. God is like salt flavoring all that come to Him. The sea comes in so far and does not invade the earth. God is like this, He will come to us but he will not invade our will. He leaves the choices up to us of our lives, of course; telling us which is the best way to go.

The sea and its breezes are powerfully refreshing. There is a refreshing from God that nothing on this earth can give. When the mind is muddled and tired, take a drive to the beach to let the peace engulf you. I have seen grown up men standing mesmerized by the sounds of the waves rolling into shore. When asked what are you staring at? "It is just so puzzling, the sea. I never get tried of staring out to sea."

When I took this photo I could not help but wish it were my chairs, then the sea could sing it songs to me daily. What a gift it would be to sit by the sea every day of your life. I lived by the sea many times on my ventures in the world. A deep comfort held me captive to the consistency of it all. Smells of seaweed mixed with the salty air drifted in my open patio in the mornings to wake my sleepy bones.

I love the sea, for it is big and wild and deep like God is to me.. God is in me and has changed my life that is why I believe. I can see Him, feel Him, and touch Him with my heart. It is wonderful the comfort God gives. I would not want to live without that comfort He gives so generously.

Have a good day, week, and month. If you get a chance go to the sea and just sit for awhile with God. There is little more refreshing.
Wandering Rose, Tig

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