Saturday, April 17, 2010

A visit in Israel and what it brought to me

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig April 18th, 2010

I know this blog is much more serious than the previous ones I've written but we live in a serious time.. I hope you will read this and cry out for the people and the land where Jesus lived and ministered.

October 2009 was my first journey to Israel. The land and its peoples consumed my heart as I walked the streets, prayed at the prayer wall, toured the many religious sights, and dug in the ancient ruins of the first and second temple. There was a quiet inner joy inside me in spite of the rushing about and the many tourists visiting at the time of the feast of booths. It was like I had found something I had waited all my life for, it was finally mine. Home, that is what kept coming into my heart. This is home to me. A constant voice cried out, "I am home, I am home." Of course my surroundings were familiar to me, for like the Arab peoples I visited and worked with in North Africa, there were many just like them, right along side the Jewish population.

The houses, markets, business, and the foods were similar but what surrounded me was beyond familiarity, I was oddly completely at home in this land so far away from my homeland of America. There was no fear in spite of soldiers all around us and the constant rumors of wars and a short distance away bombings could happen at any time. There was peace in spite of the unrest of the world and the enemies of Israel.

I have come to realize that we are all connected (no matter what religion) by that which is much larger than we ever dare to know. That being God the Father of all creation who made the way, the truth, the light for each of us and all mankind. But according to the Bible there is only one way and that is through Christ Jesus who lived, died, and rose again that we might find the way the truth the light. We all came from one man and one woman, but through sin; the family God planned to have were disconnected. Thus, the many religions and misunderstandings and wars and rumors of wars that go on now and have for centuries.

The difference is, that the one and only religion who exalts a living God and savior is Christianity. The more you travel the world the more you understand, all men deeply crave for peace. All men seek to understand their purpose on this earth. They want to know where they came from and for what they are here. The sad thing is, man continually wars against one another. Too often over religious ideas. Why? Because of deception and lack of knowledge. Because of the root of all evil, the arch enemy of God, satan the fallen angel.

My heart bled as we passed the military men and women in the streets. Many are so young. There is an anointing around them however. There is an uncanny feeling when you are near them, hard to explain. You can feel their love for country and duty. Make no mistake, their young pretty or handsome faces conceal the courageous hearts inside. I knew the first day I would return to do whatever i could to help them and the people of the land of my savior Jesus Christ.

I hope each of you will dedicate yourself to pray and stand on the spiritual wall for peace in Israel. I know many of you are and will continue. We are truly in a battle, but remember in the end we who believe in Christ will win. Be not afraid for God has not given us a spirit of fear but a sound mind and courage.

God bless you all and may you be filled with the love of God for each other and the world
World Rescuers
Dale (Tig) and Roger Davis

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