Monday, May 10, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
May 11, 2010

Will you look at these lovely meals spread on the pit and the table, fit for a queen. Amen and amen. There is nothing more delightful than an amazing meal prepared in love for friends. Would you not agree?

The meal on the table was prepared by our natural family in the Alsace of France. The one on the pit was being prepared in Spain on a church picnic but it is the the one in France I will talk about tonight. Just wanted to tempt you with all this good food..

A wonderful story of the leading of the Lord is connected to this meal on the table and many more meals were served in our stay just like it. Delicious and shared by all in the harmony of good Christian friends who are sharing a common goal to take the world to its place in Christ. Is there anything better? Well, heaven will be but we are not there yet. So lets enjoy all we can while on earth.

Food seems to be connected to love in so many ways.
Food also gives one the strength or power we may say to make it through the day. God is good to give us food to eat and good food cannot be compared to junk food. By now means. So why do we try to get power in fast food? Of course food is not our greatest power, the Word of God and name of Jesus is the glorious power that changes lives. There is power in the blood of Jesus the Bible says and over and over again my life in Christ has proven how good He is and how much He loves His children. It was on a rainy evening that God helped me,through much determination, to find this champ d' hote ( a bed and breakfast we Americans call it). It would be here in this great house that I was to discover a great secret. Hidden away in this huge house which once was a bakery and later a restaurant, were people who had found the Spirit of God in a small Catholic village. They were praying for Christians to come by their home to share the gospel.

The small village was in an area torn by the second world war, yet so quaint. Who was to know that a phone call handled by a friend in Switzerland would lead me to find some of the family that had married into my family in the 1800's. And to make it more wonderful these very people were believers in Christ as Savior and were hungry to know more and offered their home to hold teaching meetings. IT was here that the call of God to preach in France came to pass for me. I was to meet my family and be touched by God's amazing way to take you from America across Spain in a rent car into Switzerland to minister then onward to France to find some of my fathers side of the family but to minister and find life long relationships waiting to surprise me.

I am often amazed when I find how easy it is to follow the spirit of God into the very deepest place He may be wanting you to go. He leads we follow, but if we do not obey then we miss so much. God never ceases to amaze me in the midst of the storms of life. He is always there watching and waiting for us to find Him and get whisked away in His safe arms. How safe I felt in that tiny village surrounded by lovely colored houses and gardens like none I had seen in America. Every ones house looked like a small park filled with lush flowers of all colors and arranged so neatly. It was here that I knew the love of flower gardens had come in my grandmothers.

Come away and spend time with friends over lovely meals.. oh how I wish I was there now speaking and determining how and what needs to be said in love.. love is a wonderful language and it speaks loudly when you give it away.. God bless you all and sorry have not been on line.. Roger my husband is having knee surgery and in six weeks will do the second one then we will be visiting the world together.

Wandering Rose Dale Davis

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