Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

May 13, 2010

When I think of painting I think of God. He painted the sky blue with puffs of white tinted with blues and pinks and sometimes grays. The rivers and the seas the most amazing greens, blues, and turquoises then touched the edges of the sea with white foam and graced the waves with a rolling white hiding underneath the greens we love.

Then he doused the flowers with the most amazing blends of colors and trimmed the plants and trees with green. Where in the world can we match God's colors? Do you think there will be many new colors in heaven? I often think this, for God is the creator. Perhaps it will be just deeper richer hues of the colors, but this we know ; it will be beautiful and beyond description.

I truly think that it will be the opening of our eyes to more than we ever dreamed when we get to heaven, for heaven is described as perfect and with no tears or fears or wars or pain. How can we imagine this world? Hard right? But what a wonderful place to be. All is well on the home front with a successful surgery and a lovely Christian Doctor who gives God the great doctor. He is creator, healer, and comforter. Come to Him He will give you rest.. I had to do that this week being a 24 hour caretaker of a man after surgery.

I thank God for all who prayed with us and for us. Bless you my dears and remember to paint the Word of God in your heart with the paint brush of life.. You are the canvas for God and He is painting your life with that which you seek according to His will. He will give you paint from His Word to paint your life.. so go to the Bible and find the way the truth the life and watch your life change before you eyes.

God bless from the wandering gypsy rose girl, Tig

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