Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tigi
August 14, 2010

Well all you out there who read my blog, I am quite ashamed for not writing sooner but life has been filled with taking care of parents and my husband who has had both knees operated on since May.

It is quite interesting to see how time goes by as we move in the directions our lives take us, but know this; time will go by and time will tell what we are made of. We are living in a season where many of us find unsure feelings about the future. This I know as many of you do, we must look up to God who is our Lord and provider. He and He alone will be there for us in the darkest of dark times.

I have traveled the world in dangerous places and found myself having nothing more than God and His precious Word to rely on. Father God has never failed me nor will He ever, not be there for us. God is a Spirit being that we can touch with our spirits, the inner man. Take heart, all your out there and dream on and learn to trust Him with all your heart, leaning not to your own understanding, and calling on His name in times of trouble and also in times of good and plenty.

Proverbs 3:5-6 has always been my favorite scripture and has taken me in and out of places where God has had me, unhurt and filled with the joy that comes from being in His perfect will for your life. God bless and keep on preparing and praying and playing in God's timing. He is good and nothing can take us from Him, so do not move from that which He gives you, His Word.

God be with you always,

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