Sunday, August 15, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tigi
August 15, 2010

This photo was taken at the place in Israel which is quoted to be the tomb of Jesus. Of course we all know that many sites in Israel could be, or are, perhaps? The thing is not that it is, but that it is similar to what Christ would have been laid in, only to rise from the dead to ascend to God His Father.

I am making this blog short today. I want to lift each one of you up by sharing this quote given to me by a dear friend named Sandy. My reason is to remember those whom God touched during my journey of life both here and abroad.

"May the roads rise to meet you, may the winds be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of His hand!"

I have met so many people on my journeys in life and I must say my this quote as my prayer for each one, for they are important to God and to me. I love the world and all that God has given to me on each journey long or short, my life was changed in so many ways. I will not forget one soul touched by the love of God. To remember is good and to know that Jesus laid down His life and rose again for each one of us. May you find that faith in your heart to believe in the Messiah Jeshua Jesus Christ our Lord. Bless you all in His glorious name.

Wandering Rose,


  1. Good Morning Tigi! I just wanted you to know that I have read your two latest blogs and I thank you for being my friend. You are a blessing to me. Have a blessed day, Janet

  2. hey how did you do this... my friend could not get in.
