Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
March 4, 2010
This snapshot was taken in a small village in the Alsace of France, the home of my family in France. God did a marvelous miracle to help me find, not only my family, but family that knew Jesus and were filled with the spirit of God.
Often when telling this story people are amazed. I too, was amazed when we arrived on the dark cold and rainy evening. We found the champ d' hote, a room in a house through sheer determination. The next morning at breakfast the discovery was made. My family and the woman's family had married in the 1800's. A whole huge happiness began a long term relationship. Not only with my family members but with several others and a church as well.
Look what God can do and does do. I am thrilled today to tell you the doors God opens are powerful. I want to thank God for what He did for me that year. I praise His name for all His love and protection. There are so many things to tell about this testimony but you may just read it in my book someday. So hang on and you will learn more, or in future follow ups you may learn of one of the most wonderful moments in my life. Finding my past culture and family. There are deep connections to the blood. We are connected to the Father in Heaven by the blood of Jesus. It is a deep rich connection. Take advantage of Jesus and the inheritance He gives to us. Psalm 2:8 speaks to us of the inheritance God gives. Faith and knowledge of this has taken me to 23 nations in 15 years and many multiple times in one year. Wow, that is all I need to say now. Glory to God. He alone is worthy of the glory. I bow at His knees. Tig, the wild hearted rouge for Jesus...

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