Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rambling Rose Blog By Tig
March 5, 2010

Don't you wish we were sitting together with a cup of good ole Spanish coffee? I do.

The streets were quiet that day. We had wandered to the ferry and ridden it across the calm waters. After a stroll in the streets and window shopping we decided to stop and sit awhile. This hot milk was being poured into my cup of strong coffee and it was one of those moments in time which I love to catch on film. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did that day.

One of the most lovely moments had with friends, is to sip coffee or a cup of tea. How many wonderful times I have sat with a friend or group to drink tea, as they so often do in Ireland. Either one, tea or coffee is good for me. I think it is the flair with which they pour that makes it more welcoming. It is often the company that makes it taste so much better. Don't you agree?

Just a suggestion, tomorrow wake up and make a cup for yourself and Jesus. He loves to sit and talk with us too you know. Make a special place in your home to take time to meditate and visit with Him. He will be delighted. Listen, there is a cup of coffee calling me right now. Do you hear it? Jesus is calling you too.

Here's a lovely poem my brother in Big Springs wrote me...
Hey mighty woman
Warrior for the Lord
Be of great courage

The opinion of man
Is as trash and scum
The opinion of God
is life to the bones

Listen to His voice
Calling to you His love
Hear His love song
Sung just for you

He sees you, really sees you
And He loves you
With a love stronger than
Even death

Rest in His arms next to His heart
Take comfort in His embrace
Lay your head on His shoulder
He will ease all your tears

So be strong mighty warrior
Be strong in our Lord God

God bless you my dear friends and family of God

The Rambling Rose Tig

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