Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog
Oct. 9, 2010

To be remembered well is a great thing. If there were an opportunity to write on my own grave site, the words would be like this. She lived her life for Father God.

"I would like that."

Life, I have come to learn, is a journey lived each day. It is made up of finding the way to overcome, press forward, move on from the past, as we make waves toward accomplishing new dreams and doing new things. However the roads and roadblocks we face during our trips can be rough and destructive. So prepare for the hard part of the journey and get on with it. Living for God is worth every trip you take to learn His ways.

A wise minister once said, "Don't live in the past good or bad." This stuck with me,but in a time of crisis I regret not being in the place to live by this attitude. So, after suffering pain almost too great to bear, I finally learned the lesson. Live for today enjoying it, let what cannot be changed go and plan for the future as you pray about how to move towards your dreams or repair the broken ones left in the after math of the storms of life.

My life with God and serving Him by serving His people and the desperate strangers in the world has been for me, a life of adventure. There was never a thing God asked me to do that I was trained for or not uncomfortable doing in the beginning. But, when I trusted God with all my heart and acted on what I believed, the experience of seeing God move in mighty ways to help me move in His path and power, overwhelmed me and others.

God is great and greatly to be praised. We are totally the sum of all we experience in our journeys. Physical, spiritual, and even emotional upsets are all included. In all ways we must remember, journeys have pasts that we can ignore. If we do, it is to our peril. Learn you lessons and move on, let go, and let God fix you. Life then becomes a discovery of journeys that change you into a better person.

Be blessed my friends. Take a journey. Remember well, today is gone when tomorrow appears. Make the most of where you are and live for Jeshua, He is our all in all. Dale Davis (Tigi)

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