Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Hi Everyone,

A new beginning has arrived in my life. Over the years I have learned that opportunities are usually waiting around the corner of your obedience to God's call and will for your life. I have just written my first book and the exciting tales of God's love, power, and protection are being set up for printing at the publisher at this very moment. Some time has passed since writing on my blog but here I am once again feeling the excitement of accomplishment.  God is waiting for you and He will bless your obedience to the dreams He has placed in your heart. As soon as the book comes on the market I will let you know. Until then be blessed and discover the adventure that waits for your obedience to God's call in your life. Dale (tigi)


  1. Hi there, Dale. It is great to see you back on your blog. Will be looking forward to the next chapter in your life and am blessed to be a small part of it!! God bless you, my dear friend!


    1. Thanks ever so much my dear friend and your part is much larger than you can imagine. Always grateful to your friendship. Tig
