Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

April 28, 2010

Tonight as we drove to visit my brother and sister in law there was an awesome moon luring me to think back to a special time on one of my many journeys.It was a full moon in fact, bright shining against a mellow sky line. My heart beat as if it were thundering inside. The window of the car was down allowing the breeze of a spring night to touch the heart. How I love those moments. Remembering times gone by but not forgotten.

It was, for that small piece of time; a little reflection carrying me back to a fond memory of people and places truly meaningful. As my missionary buddy and our worker and taxi driver rode silently homeward that evening, there was a moon and sky almost exactly like there was tonight. That raging emotional night in North Africa grabs at my heart of hearts making it feel like I've been skinned to the bones. There is no other way to describe the loneliness you feel for a land and its people and the love you have for the work of God.

It was the last night for our work in Africa on that journey. The cool of the evening air left the glass of the window feeling nice to my tear stained cheeks. Crazy thoughts raced through my mind. If only this peace could last forever. Why must there be so much division among men of all races and religions? I think, not only the earth trembles as it waits for the savior, we people who watch for the coming of Christ are trembling with anxious hope to keep us from the harm and evil of the world. Pray for the world, your home and family, friends, and the ministers and pastors of churches. It is time to cry out for the world for all mankind and God's chosen people the Jews are in great need. I have been to 23 nations crying out for the people and recently my journey of life began to lead me to the land of Israel.

Isaiah 40: 3 2-5
Speak comfortably to Jerusalem and cry for her, for she was filled with violence and delighted in sin; and she has received from the Lord's hand double punishment for all her sins, 3 The voice of him that cries in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
4 Every valley shall be filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the rough places smooth, 5 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.

The world moves in a way we truly do not understand. Thank God He has made a way and that way is through Christ Jesus. Come to him and give Him your life. You will find great peace in knowing Him and obeying His Word.

signing off for the evening
God bless you,
Tig (Dale Davis)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
April 22, 2010

Dear Friends,

Do you like the sea? I do. The sea reminds me of God in so many ways. It is salty and never looses its salt. God is like salt flavoring all that come to Him. The sea comes in so far and does not invade the earth. God is like this, He will come to us but he will not invade our will. He leaves the choices up to us of our lives, of course; telling us which is the best way to go.

The sea and its breezes are powerfully refreshing. There is a refreshing from God that nothing on this earth can give. When the mind is muddled and tired, take a drive to the beach to let the peace engulf you. I have seen grown up men standing mesmerized by the sounds of the waves rolling into shore. When asked what are you staring at? "It is just so puzzling, the sea. I never get tried of staring out to sea."

When I took this photo I could not help but wish it were my chairs, then the sea could sing it songs to me daily. What a gift it would be to sit by the sea every day of your life. I lived by the sea many times on my ventures in the world. A deep comfort held me captive to the consistency of it all. Smells of seaweed mixed with the salty air drifted in my open patio in the mornings to wake my sleepy bones.

I love the sea, for it is big and wild and deep like God is to me.. God is in me and has changed my life that is why I believe. I can see Him, feel Him, and touch Him with my heart. It is wonderful the comfort God gives. I would not want to live without that comfort He gives so generously.

Have a good day, week, and month. If you get a chance go to the sea and just sit for awhile with God. There is little more refreshing.
Wandering Rose, Tig

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Passage of Time

The Wandering Gypsy Rose By Tig
March 19th, 2010

Yes, that is me, the wanderer always wondering what or who or when. My traveling shoes lie in my closet, put away but not hidden. The travel bug bit me on my first journey to Mexico in the 70's. That was when I knew without a doubt that I was called to be a missionary taking the truth of the gospel to lands where there was less than 1% Christian. Yes, I go back that far, 62 years; but I have learned to be thrilled I have served God and man for over 40 years. In fact, I go back further in time than I like to remember, so I choose to only remember today. Oh, if only I had learned this sooner, live in the moment and wait for the next one.

Life has it's way of sneaking up on you when you finally realize you are on the down side rather than the up, at this time of life you think a lot about all you have done or not done. Hate to say it, but you think too about all the mistakes you made along the passage of time. Then one day you choose to put the past behind moving forward one moment at a time. You stretch your older body and mind just a little more deciding, the principle of the power of words, makes one negative and the body will respond to the mind and (wa la) they get in agreement and you are old over night and aging every day. So I am learning to keep my mouth shut and keep on saying, "I will be the best for whatever age I am." Right now I am being the best 60myear old I can be. This helps me not give in to the signs of aging. P.S. I don't look in the mirror so much anymore. I just try to be me and be good to people. I look around me and find people who are aging gracefully. They inspire me and God inspires me to come up higher.

Yept, not good English but we do get older. But, we do not have to let it consume us as many do. Why, most people go over the hill at 40. I picked up speed at 40 and kept on rolling until 2007. Making 23 nations and traveling hard and fast. Then the brakes were set by my and others choices and I knew what it felt like to be older and very very tired.

An emotional tragedy happened during that year which took me down so low I admit I wanted to die or just give up. It seemed like all my dreams and visions had melted right in front of my eyes. We all face depressions, changes, hurts, and betrayals but we can make it over the grave which these devilish things dig for us. Instead of digging my grave like I was tempted to do I began searching and seeking a way out of the fears and the terrific pain. I read books on getting over loss and depression. Loss is painful whether it is things or dreams or people that we loose. The human mind was made to be fruitful and to find success, it does not do well with failure. All else works against us. So seeking God to show us how to make our way through the fog of life is what we must do in times of sorrow. Negative brings in the darkness to slow our journey of life. We seem to be blinded by the fog of life that darkens our path.

One of my dearest friends and I have said this for years, "Onward through the fog." We laugh after we chuck up our junky feelings and emotions and problems.. then we say with a grin in our hearts and on our changing face, "Onward through the fog."

You have to press and be determined to overcome what one faces in life.. This life is certainly imperfect and getting more so everyday. Our only hope is Jesus and following the truth given to us in the Bible. I am fine now, it took some time, some tears, and determination to get over the mountain of trouble but I did! Bulldog tenacity to get better got me there. People helped and I am grateful for them, but it took me and God to get the broken pieces all back in place. I think like old cars,we just need some repairs sometimes.

I hope sharing my little piece of my life with you will help you too make your journey a little better by being determined and stubborn enough to make it happen for you. Let go of things and that which holds you back and get on with life.. There are still many good things in life and one is family and friends.. and of course God. There are many fish in the sea I was told long ago by my grandmother. That is so true.. many kinds but there are many out there in the sea of life. So when life gives you lemons make that jug of lemonade, put on some music and meditate on the good things you have done and what you can still accomplish.. Spoken from experience. Bless you my dears. When there is a will God makes the way.

Wandering Rose Woman Tig Davis

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A visit in Israel and what it brought to me

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig April 18th, 2010

I know this blog is much more serious than the previous ones I've written but we live in a serious time.. I hope you will read this and cry out for the people and the land where Jesus lived and ministered.

October 2009 was my first journey to Israel. The land and its peoples consumed my heart as I walked the streets, prayed at the prayer wall, toured the many religious sights, and dug in the ancient ruins of the first and second temple. There was a quiet inner joy inside me in spite of the rushing about and the many tourists visiting at the time of the feast of booths. It was like I had found something I had waited all my life for, it was finally mine. Home, that is what kept coming into my heart. This is home to me. A constant voice cried out, "I am home, I am home." Of course my surroundings were familiar to me, for like the Arab peoples I visited and worked with in North Africa, there were many just like them, right along side the Jewish population.

The houses, markets, business, and the foods were similar but what surrounded me was beyond familiarity, I was oddly completely at home in this land so far away from my homeland of America. There was no fear in spite of soldiers all around us and the constant rumors of wars and a short distance away bombings could happen at any time. There was peace in spite of the unrest of the world and the enemies of Israel.

I have come to realize that we are all connected (no matter what religion) by that which is much larger than we ever dare to know. That being God the Father of all creation who made the way, the truth, the light for each of us and all mankind. But according to the Bible there is only one way and that is through Christ Jesus who lived, died, and rose again that we might find the way the truth the light. We all came from one man and one woman, but through sin; the family God planned to have were disconnected. Thus, the many religions and misunderstandings and wars and rumors of wars that go on now and have for centuries.

The difference is, that the one and only religion who exalts a living God and savior is Christianity. The more you travel the world the more you understand, all men deeply crave for peace. All men seek to understand their purpose on this earth. They want to know where they came from and for what they are here. The sad thing is, man continually wars against one another. Too often over religious ideas. Why? Because of deception and lack of knowledge. Because of the root of all evil, the arch enemy of God, satan the fallen angel.

My heart bled as we passed the military men and women in the streets. Many are so young. There is an anointing around them however. There is an uncanny feeling when you are near them, hard to explain. You can feel their love for country and duty. Make no mistake, their young pretty or handsome faces conceal the courageous hearts inside. I knew the first day I would return to do whatever i could to help them and the people of the land of my savior Jesus Christ.

I hope each of you will dedicate yourself to pray and stand on the spiritual wall for peace in Israel. I know many of you are and will continue. We are truly in a battle, but remember in the end we who believe in Christ will win. Be not afraid for God has not given us a spirit of fear but a sound mind and courage.

God bless you all and may you be filled with the love of God for each other and the world
World Rescuers
Dale (Tig) and Roger Davis

Friday, April 16, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig April 17th, 2010

There is just something about a table set for a great meal with friends. When you see bread and cheese from Europe, begin drooling because it is really good.

The cheese in Switzerland and France cannot be beaten in my opinion and I've been in 23 nations trying them out. I love the cheese in Spain but France and Switzerland still beat them out. The Swiss are so creative with cheese and how mellow some of the great tastes are in the many variates, yet there are the strong cheeses as well. Strong is not the word for some. ooh la la.

I guess friends and family are like that too. We find all kinds of people in the world and each on completely unique. Does that amaze you how so many people are in the earth but each one special and different than all the rest? How can we even think that this happened by some muck in the mud which came crawling out and made each of us and all other creation. In God's word he tells us we are wonderfully made. God the Father is the creator and you see Him everywhere if you look and think.

I love the friends and family God has given to me. Each one special and each one a part of my life in the way I need. We can not all be everything to everybody, so just be who you are and let someone else be too, what you may need for that moment.

Here is a favorite scripture: Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future." This is my desire for you as well. Prepare for the future for it does come in spite of all you do to stay young. There are lots of other blog messages and old ones too, if you just joined us..

Eleanor Roosevelt
You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
Gypsy Rose Blog April 16th, 2010

Hey everyone wanna take a trip to the zoo?

What a photo right? Bet you think I was in the cage with him or her, whatever. Nope, won't play with your mind, I was outside the cage. There was a glass between us. It does look like we were kissing. I love nature and animals. God gave them to us to give us pleasure. This little guy in a zoo in Spain was just a friendly little fellow.
It gave me great pleasure to get this smacking kiss. It was just one of those moments in life I treasure.

Let's talk about moments. In all my 62 years I have discovered a truth about life. That is, to take one moment at at time and breath as you enjoy just that one moment. We were not made for the fast rushing pace we put upon ourselves or even others put on us. But we live in this world and we have to work to be in the world but not of the world. Ideas and people are trying to change out thinking and laws and morals. I for one, know there is only one thing I can rely on and that is God and His Word which we find in the Bible. So after many years of pushing, shoving, and running like a race horse I have slowed down a little to take time to smell the roses. I grow them in my garden and love them very much. I am spending more time alone with myself and find that I am not a bad person to be with. He he. At least I know what I am thinking, not so sure of others thoughts.

I just want to say it takes a whole life time to learn some lessons and how I wish I would have known or had some older wiser person to tell me some things. Would I have listened? Not too sure, well I did listen to some advice and when I found the Bible to be life and health to my flesh and my spirit I learned that it is better to find wisdom than silver and gold. My lesson for the day and it is time to stop to take one of those precious moments to read before bed time. God bless you my young and older friends.. The wandering Rose Girl Dale (Tig)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig Davis
April 1, 2010

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future."

This is one of many peoples favorite verse for it gives us hope. It comes from Jeremiah 29: 11. In another translation is says, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and hope. It is a good thing to know that God is guiding our footsteps but we must know His voice to obey the direction God is leading us into. There are roadblocks constantly in our paths so we must be aware of the voices or things which lead us from his will for our lives.

Go the way the Spirit leads you. I must tell you this, we all make mistakes which bring disappointments that assault us, causing us to be rocked and left feeling unstable. It is then that we are not certain which way we should go or even if we should go.

So, what is most important? To take time to listen to that still small voice of God. To know his voice we must read and study His Word. Sometimes God gives marching orders but then too he gives resting orders. All I can say is this, it is vital for our spiritual, mental, and physical health to know when to go and when to stop and when to just stand and then stand some more.

Sometimes God is altering and rearranging things so a greater more powerful thing can be done in our lives. So rise up and make your way to the greatness which God has in store for you. Pull up your spiritual self and move in Him and let His loving kindness bring you to the richness of His love. God bless you all. Yes, I have much experience in both listening and not listening. I much prefer the listening to God's direction. It is most valuable and keeps me out of trouble.

World Rescuers
The Rambling Rose Dale Davis