Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Blessed New Year from Gypsy Rose Blog Tig

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

Well, this is New Years Eve and I am in my office thinking of all my friends. This year, is one which many of us are very glad to see go.

Just as this lovely photo of spring bloosoms reminds us of new life, I want to remind myself and each of you that Jesus is coming again and what a day that will be. He gave us new life and will again when HE comes for His church.

Today I made a nice roast with Brazilain spice rub and fresh greens with a blend of wild rices. It was delicious. Tomorrow I will make several things to eat which will remind me of God. Dates which in Hebrew mean consumed. WE pray "May our enemies be consumed."

Pomegranates which contain up to 613 seeds, the exact number of commandments in the Bible. May we in the coming year complete as many good deeds as the pomegranate has seeds."

Apples sprinked in honey, "May our whole year be sweet." And Black eyed peas which are plentiful and represent fertility. "May we be blessed with many children." For those of us not wanting more children we do want people to become children of God, so they may come to the knowledge of Him who lived and died for us, Christ Jesus.

Zucchini, simmered until they become translucent and airy. "May our sins be as light as air."

Beets, roasted and drizzled with olive oil. "May we be red-faced, full of health and happiness."
Leeks, served in broth. The Hebrew word means to cut off. "May our enemies be cut off."

God bless you this year and show you great blessings to find a life with Him greater and greater.
Roger and Dale (Tig) We love you all and think of you all the time.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tig's Blog on Traveling Light

I Love Traveling. It Opens New Ideas For Your Mind

Hi everyone. Tonight I am thinking of some wonderful moments on every one of my journeys to the world. Times when there was not enough words to describe the feeling you were overwhelmed with.

I love those sunny days driving through Spain. Topping a hill to see mile after mile of brillant yellow sunflowers, fields of red poppies, and rose garden after rose garden. I loved arriving to the precious smiles of the people you have come to help. Yes, travel shares it's amazing momentos.

But, travel is not all fun and games. It is hard and grueling at times. And my work as a missionary has had its dangerous moments as well.

To travel well you must travel light. This means physically as well as spiritually. We often carry mental loads that are too heavy to bear. Just like we carry too much on our vacations and trips. Too much to carry is like too much sorrow in your life. Fears, worry, and discomfort all come into play as we walk on this earth. It can drive one to become weary and to be tempted to give up. Jesus told us not to be weary in well doing for in due time we would see results. But dealing with day to day life, people, and jobs can tempt us to carry burdens we were not meant to carry.

Have you considered the changing moods that extra baggage bring to relationships? Just remember this, God gave us a Psalm to help us lighten our loads. That Psalm is 23 and we all know it. Lugging extra bags can wear you out and so can extra heavy burdens, so give the mover to Jesus. HE can handle it much better than you. Rest in Him and get out there and travel on whatever journey you are on at the time. Our lives are a journey and the path can change without a moment's notice. The more we are prepared in God's Word the more we can face when trouble comes our way.

It may not be far but each of us travels a journey each day of our life. Make the most of it by walking side by side with the one who took it all on the cross for you and me. I am hoping you find the new year one of those paths you take on your journey to peace with God and man.

Choose well the path you walk

It could take you to a burden hard to bear

Choose the path God leads you on it is best

Don't do what is good unless it is best

Obligation is a spirit that drives one to bad choices

Remember if you make a bad choice and have extra baggage

Our Father God is more than able to help us and show us how to pack and travel much lighter!

God bless you

Tig (Dale)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Friends are Made to Be Forever by Tig
Dear Fellow Bloggers,
Hey Christmas is over for many but for those who truly know the meaning of the celebration will continue celebrating Jesus all year long.
For so many the holidays are simply traditions, obligations, and commercialism. For many they say the reason for the season is Christ. Of course that is what is supposed to be.
For me, it is what is in my heart. It is about friends who know the same Jesus as I do and feel the same about serving Him and loving our neighbor more than ourselves. Jesus is the reason we have the friends we do today. He is our friend to the end and He gives us friends who love us and go out of the way to show us their love. These two Irish girls are my buddies. I met them many years ago. Oh did I speak of age? Let's not speak of the years gone by. Let us remember the joy we see on the faces in this photo. Let us recall the fond memories of our friends. We happened to be on a prayer excursion on this day. Not far from the prayer place were the shores of the Irish Sea. Who could resist that walk with the breeze in our hair and gritty sand beneath our bare feet? Not we. We laughed a lot and fell into the sand like little children. IT WAS GLORIOUS.
There is no greater love than to lie down you life for a friend. So when I think of Christmas I immediately think of all the friends I have around the world. That is what Christmas is all about. Christ was born to die and for us He came to do this. May we be thankful to Him and prepare ourselves to lay down our lives for Him in the way He calls us to. Let us live our lives in the same love as He who set an example for us. Here are a few words of wisdom I found on a plaque to put on the frig.
Live with intention.
walk to the edge.
listen hard.
play with abandon.
choose with no regret.
appreciate your friends.
do what you love.
live as if this is all there is.
mary anne radmacher
Bless you all my dears. Put away your fears. Strike out to do something new and unique this year. Give your all to Jesus. Get past the troubles in the world. Just remember Jesus is coming and will be with us through anything. Tig (Dale)

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Joy of Meeting People on The Road
Hey friends out there I am sorry for delays on blogging. The day to day life can be a bother at times as you all know. I have been delayed, no excuse just facts.
I wish for each of you the best for what is coming in the new year and your future. Often when things get tough we pour our hearts out to others. Isn't it wonderful to have someone to do this with?
I have been working to make life changing decisions for the new year and one is to keep my heart pure and ready to receive all God has for me. I saw this old man and his face made me think I want to have this shining joy on my face everyday. This older gent was a Polish survivor of the Holocaust. He lived in a tiny village along the path my journey was carrying me on. Stopping to take a photo of his lovely doorway gave way for him to peek out that very door I was shooting a photo of. He was so delighted.
The joy on his face gives me joy and I was hoping it would bless you as well. The world can be a lonely place and we all search for our kindred spirits. There is no bond greater than one shared over a common passion or goal. May God give you that group of kindred spirits to soothe the weary days that come. I know God always makes the way for us when we search and seek Him. Seek Him this year with all your heart and may we celebrate Him everyday of our lives.
Blessings to you

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wow, I am on blog finally. We changed computers and my laptop was not letting me go into my blog. So since my amazing journey to Israel I could not write to you.
I am here now and something delicious and juicy is cooking in my receipe book. The receipe book is the place in my heart and mind where I store all the wonderful memories of my life with God. It is where God and I cook up all kinds of great spiritual opportunities.
I have this doubt box too, ( it says you can only do this or that because you do not have money or it is not for you to go or do this time, or some foolish lie from satan). But, guess what? When I go beyond that box of doubt and unbelief I get out of that doubt box and break forth into new things. I love living on the edge of life with God. I think most of my life has been lived outside the box or the lines as we sometimes quote. We, or other people make borders for us and we too make them, but how sweet it is to step outside those lines and that old box which limits us. Amazing things can occur when we believe God for our needs and dreams to be met. I was reminded of this on my journey. I am here because i did not doubt but rather believed in the impossible with God. So my receipe book is fuller now than before with faith memories making it possible to be with God and His people.
I was talking about my journey to Israel this week. While writing my resume for a Rabbi and his lovely gracious wife, my head was turned to the wonderful things God has allowed me to do. It was not easy going against the storms of life or the opinions of others. It took guts and stubborn faith mixed with lots of patience as I waited upon the Lord, but it paid off. And now, I have added my 23rd nation to my list of countries I once only could dream of. 23 nations in 16 years, it blows my mind to think how it all happened. It happened because of obedience to God of a call on my life, the desire and bulldog tenacity to believe in spite of circumstances and hindrances along with lack that faced me with the challenge of how Lord? How? How, by faith that is how and trusting God with all my heart while using wisdom to get me there and in and out unhindered. What a God we serve!!
I know many of you have requested to hear about Israel. So if I can get my photos on this computer tomorrow I will begin sharing some of the totally out of the box moments that will live in my heart of hearts forever from our journey to Israel in October.
Get your faith juice ready to drool. Then start planning to go if God is leading you to Israel. Tour coordinator is one of my new handles and I will be talking to you about going to work and pray in this beautiful land of Christ Jesus. God is going to help me help others to fulfill this dream to visit the Holy Land. It will awaken your faith in the Lord and His precious Word. God bless and until tomorrow. I love you all and pray for the best for your life with Him who is Lord of all good. Dale (Tig)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tig's blog

Hey everyone. Do not give up on me. We changed computers and re-did my office. It is so cool now, but in the process of changing computers have had a little trouble. But will be back on schedule and then leaving for a mission trip very soon. Will be out of pocket ten days.

Do you like this photo of Roger? We were in Spain together in 1998. Yes, he has been to Mexico, Bahamas, Ireland, and Spain with me and we hope for more in the future.

I wanted to say why I have not written on my blog lately. The old computer is so slow and my new one has a problem with the virus program. I have to iron some problems out so I can get on more often. Be patient and will be writing again.

So many upcoming events and opportunites. God is doing some great things. We love our new house and the area here is so nice in Dallas Fort Worth area. Roger is building his own handyman business. God is keeping us going by bringing in the work. We both want to say thank you for your faithfulness. Don't give up on me.. hope to have it worked out soon.

God bless you all,

Roger and Dale (Tig) Davis

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dear Friends,
I would like to share this quote with you.
It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere. Agnes Repplur
Of course we faith believers would say, "No, it is possible to find happiness in God." And of course we know, with God all things are possible.
Yes, this is true. But the quote is also true. God provides the joy, but it is within us that we must grasp it and take advantage of it. It is within ourselves that we take what God has provided, making our lives better. I have found myself mourning lately for the wonderful lands I have visited, as I was out doing the work of God. I am not happy with myself in the path I have been on. So, I changed it. I worked hard to redo my office and make a place where I could spend time with God and myself. I decided to make the most of my life as it is, drawing joyful strength from enjoying some of the greatest moments of my life, my journeys to obey His glorious Word and commission to tell the good news.
So, I am up late with God and the memories of the lovely land of France. The village pictured was passed on a prayer drive to minister in France. Perhaps tomorrow I will tell you that powerful testimony of God leading me to spirit filled people who had prayed for Christians to come to their place. It is an awesome story of God's power and it makes me happy to remember it. Have a good day and week. Blessings to you
World Rescuers

Friday, September 11, 2009

May We Never Forget Sept. 11th

It was a icy day when this frozen flag captured my eye. It was also a terribly cold day in America when terrorists hit the twin towers leaving the world in utter shock. Hearts were frozen in the fear of it all. America would survive, but she would be changed forever.

I remember it all too well, for that very day the man who helped us write our newsletter was coming to make an announcement of our upcoming trip. The door bell rang and before he stepped inside his serious voice urged, "Turn the tv on, one of the twin towers in New York has been hit!" No one had to coax me, an impelling voice inside drove me to rush to switch on the news.

A cold silence enveloped me. Smoke was pouring from the first tower, I gasped. Prayer and the name of Jesus flew from my mouth. Then the three of us sat in complete shock gawking as we sat glued to the set. The second plane hit the tower and we were like so many others, devasted. It was a day we will not forget!

Thirteen days later, I stepped onto one of the first planes leaving Houston, Texas. Like a morgue, the airport once bustling with the joy of passengers and family saying good-bye, was again filled with that cold silence. It was the same frigid feeling I felt on September 11th. The plane was boarded relunctantly by a small group of people. Weeping was heard from the few passengers on that plane. The scanty few business people who had to fly were very frightened. I must admit I had thoughts of hijakers taking our plane. Thoughts that led me to plan what I would do if some would appear on our flight. Then I calmed down with prayer and scripture reading of God's loving protection. There was no way this gutsy gal from a tough pioneer spirited people was going to take anything off any old terrorist. But it was not my own strength that I ovecame fear, it was because I knew the Word of God and He was leading me. I knew it without a doubt!

Unlike the others on that flight, I was there by choice, the decision to obey God. I knew, and had confirmation that I was to continue my work in North Africa, land of Islam and 99% Muslims. In direct obedience to God I did not cancel my mission trip. My husband was in agreement with me to go, amazingly; this was one reason it was apparant that it was a God thing. Yes, in spite of all that had come down, he and I knew God was in control.

This is what I would like to share with you about that day and that decision to take the gospel to Islamic people during that time. It was one of the most dramatic choices I have ever made. Had I not known without a doubt, you can bet I would not have been on that plane. When we arrived almost fifteen days after September 11 we found the Muslim people, where as shocked and upset as we were. They lived in fear that America would come bomb them over the situation.

These were real people who have no choice but to believe in Islam, except those who embrace Christ Jesus in their hearts, not terrorists. The very people we had led to Jesus and were teaching the Bible to. They must keep their faith in Jesus a secret, for fear of death or rejection. It took guts to go there during that time. But God proved Himself to even those in Europe who I was working with. They were filled to overflowing with joy that we would come during such a tragic time.

Souls were saved because we took the love of God to the people and came with faith in our hearts. Tonight, as we watched the commerations on the history channel I was reminded of that journey. That trip showed me God never lies and will watch over you when you trust and obey. It taught me to walk in God's peace. There is no way I would have gone if I had not prayed sincerely and had known it was God taking me there.

May we not forget, and let us do all we can to bring about prayer in our nation. May the world once again see America in her glory and may we rise up to bring God's Word to the world around us. If more missionaries would go and had gone, perhaps the world would be a different place. Fly your flag and be proud of the nation we were founded on. Prayer and faith built us, let it help us survive and become strong again. God has not raised up so many faith filled Christians in this nation to let it go. Rise, Remember, and Radically walk in the righteousness of God in Christ.

Let us lift up the name of Jesus and all men will be drawn to Him! Never forget the great commission it is the vision of God the Father.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Where the River Meets the Rose

Dear Friends,
I know, I know, I said I would continue my rose story and I will. One such sign of the rose came in Ireland on the year we led this old gent to the Lord.
The November chill was in the air that night. We , my clown team and I, took the risk to enter a nice hotel for a sandwich after a children's special service. Why was it a risk? Well some of our group were not sure they would let us in dressed like this. It took some guts to do it, but God had a plan.
In Ireland the people are not accustomed to clowns coming into bars, restaurants, or hotel cafes. Our other Irish clown is not pictured here, for she was taking the photo. When we joyfully entered the restaurant the whole place stared. The old man in the photos with us was in the hotel restaurant drinking coffee and talking to a woman who was clad very scanty. He began blubbering wildly when he saw us clowns. He was very drunk, and causing such a ruckus over us zany looking clowns.
The management was disturbed about his grabbing us and murmuring in his drunken stupor. So they threw him out. He was crying so hard we could not resist his desperate sadness.
A struggle began for them to throw him out, he blubbered, "I am going next door to the tea shop." As he begged they threw him out the door. But there was no mistaking his trembling voice screaming out to us, "Come see me when you get through, please!." I will never forget this dirty little man, his name was Shawn. After prayer and a sandwich we all ate sadly, we agreed to talk to him. When we entered the tea shop we saw him in the last booth, crying. Tears streamed down his face onto the table. We began our way toward him. I can still see the owner in his white apron drying a dish. He was frozen in time watching us buzoons go to talk to this old man.
A joy I have seldom seen came across his tear stained face. He leaped up, inviting us to sit. Tears streamed and mucous dripped from his nose. I must say it was not a pleasant sight to see. But our hearts filled with compassion as he told us his story. "I saw you and it took me back to my childhood. I have been sad and a drunk since I was a young boy. I can only remember one time in my life being happy. It was when I was nine and at the circus. I saw the clowns and they made me so happy!" He began a life time of regrets, fears, terrible abuse, and a need to forgive. A new stream of tears came as we helped him wipe his nose and dry his eyes. "You brought that one happy memory to my life again." Shawn stuttered for words as he took big gulps for air along with his wailing."
Other guests were witnesses. They and the owner bowed their heads as he shouted out the words to receive Jesus as his savior. He wept and wept. We hugged him and told him to go to church with our Irish friend.
My friend later told me he never did visit the church to her knowledge. About six months later he died on the streets. But he was a man saved because of the obedience of a bunch of crazy Christians in clown suits. Jesus had saved him even if he had not visited church. He was in his 80's he had told us. I wept and thanked God that we had obeyed to go visit him even in his drunken state. How long must one human be humbled and left alone to die desperately? I am so glad he is in heaven now living with the Father, in eternal joy.
It was on this same journey in the same room where we had ministered to the children, that a rose had been left on the floor for days. No one who had attended those meetings knew about my rose prophecy. But, on the last night of services God used a little child to pick the rose from the floor where it had laid for days. "Here Tigi this is for you." Her little smile and kind heart made the faded rose look beautiful.
It was only later that I began to see the smallest things that God would use to show me the sign of the rose. It was also that year that a small child in another church tapped me on the shoulder to give me a box, of guess what? A box of chocolates which bore the name "Roses." Simple, but it was to become no coincidence, when small or large things would appear to bring the rose to me.
During my passages to other nations many odd ways have become anything but happen chance. Tomorrow, I will share with you the story of the dozen roses in North Africa. May God bless you in these troubled days and strengthen you to reach out to a lost and dying world. Look up and rejoice for He comes!
Your friend and sister in the Lord,
Dale Davis (Tigi)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Where The River Meets The Rose

Tonight I want to say a little about the elegant flower, the rose. Often used in victory, by kings, often in death, and in celebration of marriage and birth. It is the flower of love and grace with its velvet petals all aglow with tender softness.

A friend once gave me a quote which goes like this. " The vase may be shattered and broken but the scent of the rose will last forever."

This one sentence turned my life around as God began to put signs of roses in my life. I knew it meant something deeper than I could, at first, understand.

It was in Malaysia in 1993 where I received my first sign that God had truly meant this quote for me. During an all night prayer meeting a woman came to me and said, "God has been telling me to say what I have seen during our praying time." With a shaky voice she spoke these words. They have come true in eighteen nations around the world. "I saw you in a bed of roses. The Lord said to tell you this, the scent of the rose will follow you wherever you go."

For years to come a sign of roses in some unusual way has appeared. Even the scent of roses has appeared in rooms where people witnessed the scent in the air. At times it has been smelled on my very being. I only know this, the scent of roses is Jesus in our presence. He wanted me to know that I was in His perfect will. I do not go by the sign to know this, it comes after I have obeyed God. I do not look for it, but it happens. Tomorrow I will continue this saga of the sign of the rose and God's great love for us, His children.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Where the River Meets the Rose by Tig

Hey, doesn't this look like fun? There is nothing like friendship, especially that which we share with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Here is a quote from the lovely Helen Keller. "What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us."
I have found this so true and how I cherish those wonderful friends who have shared my life and also shared theirs with me. Journeying the world to share the good news of the redemption of God through His Son Jesus presents many opportunities. Those who cross our paths in life make footprints on our hearts. So remember this, there are at least two people in this world you would die for.
You mean the world to someone. You are special and unique.
When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look. Someone gave these words to me and it reminds me daily, not only God our Father; but someone loves you very much and thinks of you and misses you. I miss you my friends. I do think of you often. My heart weeps and like Paul the Apostle wrote, I too desire to come to you again to speak of the Father's goodness. Have a lovely week. Write to me on my e-mail and lets chat. Blessings, Dale (Tig)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Where The River Meets The Rose Blog Time

Dear Reader,

I was up late drinking some expresso with lots of milk and thinking of my readers. I am starting over with my blogs so they will be shorter. We all have so little time so let's make the most of it. Long is not the best, but making a point to be remembered is. That is what I like about quotes and God's Word.

Powerful statements can change your life, so here is one I like... "No one is in charge of your life but you." Of course we believers in God and Christ Jesus put God in charge of our lives. But we are still the ones who have to take charge to listen and obey His still small voice.

The coffee is good and wish you were here to have a little. Obedience to me is the greatest of adventures. So strike out to obey and get blessed. Obedience took me to 22 nations to share my faith and God's Word. Memories were made that will last a life time.

Have a good day and remember obedience brings blessings beyond your own human understanding. Your friend Dale Davis (Tigi)