Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dear Friends,
I would like to share this quote with you.
It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere. Agnes Repplur
Of course we faith believers would say, "No, it is possible to find happiness in God." And of course we know, with God all things are possible.
Yes, this is true. But the quote is also true. God provides the joy, but it is within us that we must grasp it and take advantage of it. It is within ourselves that we take what God has provided, making our lives better. I have found myself mourning lately for the wonderful lands I have visited, as I was out doing the work of God. I am not happy with myself in the path I have been on. So, I changed it. I worked hard to redo my office and make a place where I could spend time with God and myself. I decided to make the most of my life as it is, drawing joyful strength from enjoying some of the greatest moments of my life, my journeys to obey His glorious Word and commission to tell the good news.
So, I am up late with God and the memories of the lovely land of France. The village pictured was passed on a prayer drive to minister in France. Perhaps tomorrow I will tell you that powerful testimony of God leading me to spirit filled people who had prayed for Christians to come to their place. It is an awesome story of God's power and it makes me happy to remember it. Have a good day and week. Blessings to you
World Rescuers

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