Friday, September 11, 2009

May We Never Forget Sept. 11th

It was a icy day when this frozen flag captured my eye. It was also a terribly cold day in America when terrorists hit the twin towers leaving the world in utter shock. Hearts were frozen in the fear of it all. America would survive, but she would be changed forever.

I remember it all too well, for that very day the man who helped us write our newsletter was coming to make an announcement of our upcoming trip. The door bell rang and before he stepped inside his serious voice urged, "Turn the tv on, one of the twin towers in New York has been hit!" No one had to coax me, an impelling voice inside drove me to rush to switch on the news.

A cold silence enveloped me. Smoke was pouring from the first tower, I gasped. Prayer and the name of Jesus flew from my mouth. Then the three of us sat in complete shock gawking as we sat glued to the set. The second plane hit the tower and we were like so many others, devasted. It was a day we will not forget!

Thirteen days later, I stepped onto one of the first planes leaving Houston, Texas. Like a morgue, the airport once bustling with the joy of passengers and family saying good-bye, was again filled with that cold silence. It was the same frigid feeling I felt on September 11th. The plane was boarded relunctantly by a small group of people. Weeping was heard from the few passengers on that plane. The scanty few business people who had to fly were very frightened. I must admit I had thoughts of hijakers taking our plane. Thoughts that led me to plan what I would do if some would appear on our flight. Then I calmed down with prayer and scripture reading of God's loving protection. There was no way this gutsy gal from a tough pioneer spirited people was going to take anything off any old terrorist. But it was not my own strength that I ovecame fear, it was because I knew the Word of God and He was leading me. I knew it without a doubt!

Unlike the others on that flight, I was there by choice, the decision to obey God. I knew, and had confirmation that I was to continue my work in North Africa, land of Islam and 99% Muslims. In direct obedience to God I did not cancel my mission trip. My husband was in agreement with me to go, amazingly; this was one reason it was apparant that it was a God thing. Yes, in spite of all that had come down, he and I knew God was in control.

This is what I would like to share with you about that day and that decision to take the gospel to Islamic people during that time. It was one of the most dramatic choices I have ever made. Had I not known without a doubt, you can bet I would not have been on that plane. When we arrived almost fifteen days after September 11 we found the Muslim people, where as shocked and upset as we were. They lived in fear that America would come bomb them over the situation.

These were real people who have no choice but to believe in Islam, except those who embrace Christ Jesus in their hearts, not terrorists. The very people we had led to Jesus and were teaching the Bible to. They must keep their faith in Jesus a secret, for fear of death or rejection. It took guts to go there during that time. But God proved Himself to even those in Europe who I was working with. They were filled to overflowing with joy that we would come during such a tragic time.

Souls were saved because we took the love of God to the people and came with faith in our hearts. Tonight, as we watched the commerations on the history channel I was reminded of that journey. That trip showed me God never lies and will watch over you when you trust and obey. It taught me to walk in God's peace. There is no way I would have gone if I had not prayed sincerely and had known it was God taking me there.

May we not forget, and let us do all we can to bring about prayer in our nation. May the world once again see America in her glory and may we rise up to bring God's Word to the world around us. If more missionaries would go and had gone, perhaps the world would be a different place. Fly your flag and be proud of the nation we were founded on. Prayer and faith built us, let it help us survive and become strong again. God has not raised up so many faith filled Christians in this nation to let it go. Rise, Remember, and Radically walk in the righteousness of God in Christ.

Let us lift up the name of Jesus and all men will be drawn to Him! Never forget the great commission it is the vision of God the Father.

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