Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tig's blog

Hey everyone. Do not give up on me. We changed computers and re-did my office. It is so cool now, but in the process of changing computers have had a little trouble. But will be back on schedule and then leaving for a mission trip very soon. Will be out of pocket ten days.

Do you like this photo of Roger? We were in Spain together in 1998. Yes, he has been to Mexico, Bahamas, Ireland, and Spain with me and we hope for more in the future.

I wanted to say why I have not written on my blog lately. The old computer is so slow and my new one has a problem with the virus program. I have to iron some problems out so I can get on more often. Be patient and will be writing again.

So many upcoming events and opportunites. God is doing some great things. We love our new house and the area here is so nice in Dallas Fort Worth area. Roger is building his own handyman business. God is keeping us going by bringing in the work. We both want to say thank you for your faithfulness. Don't give up on me.. hope to have it worked out soon.

God bless you all,

Roger and Dale (Tig) Davis

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