Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig

by Dale Davis (tig) March 24, 2010

quote from Helen Keller
Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.

I am not sure why but quotes have always inspired me. Especially ones that drive you onward. Have you ever seen a garden and wished you could go inside and touch all the flowers. This is a privilege of those of us who raise gardens. This quote made me realize there are so many beautiful people in the world that are not touched yet by the hand of God. They desperately need God to touch them. The world has done nothing more than given them pain. So they need the tender touch of God.

Each person in the world has a fragrance of their own and when God touches a person that fragrance comes forth for others to see and feel. The more we have the fragrance of Jesus in our lives the more the world will be a garden of delight.. Yes, the world is quickly going to seed and rotting on the ground. But we can make the world a better place if we let the fragrance of God come out to make the world a better more delightful place. Draw nigh to Him and He will draw nigh to you.. then His fragrance will spread like a garden of roses all in bloom.

God bless all you friends who are flowers in the garden of God
Dale (Tig) the Rambling Rose

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gypsy Rose Blog
by Tig Davis March 21, 2010
Dear Friends,

Hey, does this porch look inviting? It was lovely and so quiet and quaint. What a memory I have of finding this place. It was along the route of one of those wild road trips we made as we were coming back from ministry time in Switzerland and France.

I love porches, especially when there is a friend to sit with, chatting about all the lovely things God does for you. Porches are made for visiting. Do you have a porch?

I will keep this very short tonight. I have been away with my elderly parents. Age comes to all of us but I want to say this. Keep yourself in God and keep fit. God promises to give us long life and blessings but we might want to take some time out to sit with Him chatting over His goodness and mercy, resting in Him and Him alone. Stress comes but God will relieve you of stress if you take time out to rest in Him. I have had to learn this. It is very rewarding to say the least.

I hope you have a good day tomorrow. God loves you so much He wants you to be prepared for what is coming in the days ahead. Study to show yourself approved. Pray diligently with fervor for the Lord's work. Take care of your body for no one else will do it for you. Be blessed in Jesus name. Cook up some good food and sip a little tea on the porch as you think of all those God has given into your life. Love you all very much. Blessings from Tigi, the rambling rose girl loving Jesus with all my heart.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Your Journey

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
March 8, 2010

Well now, isn't this photo just gorgeous? A small canal in Ireland. I remember the day it was taken so well. Having laughs and prayer time with three friends. Friends who care so much for us come along to help us along our journeys of life. We laughed and spent time driving the countryside and taking photos. Down time is often grabbed in the moment and appreciated when working on the mission field. We had our cup of tea and were on the way to the car when it all just seemed right for this shot.

My first trip to Ireland found me living with the family of a young lady I met in Bible school. The family ended up making me their unofficial adopted American daughter. It is wonderful to be in the family of God. Don't you just love those God sends into your life? Some may come and go but they leave footprints on your heart. Unforgettable are the memories of time spent with friends. Treasure your friends and family. I am going to spend some time with my elderly parents this week so you will not see me on blog this next week, for I will have no access to internet. Precious are the moments that will be remembered for a life time. Treasure your families and try not to miss those moments when you can spend time together. The world is so rushed now that we must make time to fellowship. Don't forget Jesus is waiting to spend some time with you too.

There is a river of life in us. Let it flow into others lives. I want to say thank you to all who have taken time to be my friend over all the years I have served God.. thank you all you out there. Be blessed in your journey down the river of life. What a serene moment the river gives to us as we float on its flowing waters.

Rambling Rose Tig

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Path We Trod

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
March 7, 2010

Hi there gang,

I love this photo because it takes me back to Spain, but more than that, it moves one to seek where the path may be going. (by the way it takes you to a lovely high village where I spent time praying and handing out tracts and writing my journals, you would love it as much as I did. Let's go there someday together)

Often on my journeys there were unfamiliar pathways to take. It was not easy to choose but when I sought God's direction He always showed me what to do, where to go or what to do. How wonderful it is to have a guide that you know knows the way. Who will be with you to protect you and help you find the way in the dark or the fog.

I visited with a friend yesterday and we sat talking and drinking hot tea. It was lovely. We recalled the time we put on a huge theater play in Uvalde, Texas. I wrote the play and without any knowledge of directing theater or choreograph, directed the play. My friend did all the back drops ( a whole little clown town Christmas village) it was awesome.

Why am I telling you this when I began my blog with a photo of Spain? Because, had I not learned in my own country how to follow God in new things I would have fallen flat on my face. There were many paths I had to take to do what I was doing for God. As it was, by taking the steps and the direction God was leading me to, I succeeded. Life is made up of many dark and narrow paths where we cannot see the light or the way to go. I remember once in the Ukraine we were coming from the sauna of an old Communist youth camp. It was very dark with no street lights. When we went in it was sunny, but not when we stepped out. There were bushes all along the little narrow trail and an unsure feeling of where to step. I cried out to God, asking for direction to be able to get back to our rooms. We just had to step out in faith and soon there was a dim light from the kitchen near by and we were able to pick our way back to safety.

I know this, when you do not know what to do or where to begin or where you belong, just wait and seek God's help. He will guide you and direct your steps.. Just check out
Proverbs 3:5-6 and see the scripture that has helped to guide me all my life. There is a way through the fog.. onward is the way. You may have to stop for awhile to get better sight, you may have to turn around, or slow down; but it is onward through the fog of life that God will take you through problems, unsureness, and the need for direction.

God bless you all, and have you made your cup of tea or coffee today and taken time to just sit and wait on the Lord? He is waiting for you to have a friendship with Him. God is the greatest friend.. He gave and laid down His life for us and calls us friends. What a blessing!

I love you all and Jesus loves you more. Rambling Rose Tig

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rambling Rose Blog By Tig
March 5, 2010

Don't you wish we were sitting together with a cup of good ole Spanish coffee? I do.

The streets were quiet that day. We had wandered to the ferry and ridden it across the calm waters. After a stroll in the streets and window shopping we decided to stop and sit awhile. This hot milk was being poured into my cup of strong coffee and it was one of those moments in time which I love to catch on film. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did that day.

One of the most lovely moments had with friends, is to sip coffee or a cup of tea. How many wonderful times I have sat with a friend or group to drink tea, as they so often do in Ireland. Either one, tea or coffee is good for me. I think it is the flair with which they pour that makes it more welcoming. It is often the company that makes it taste so much better. Don't you agree?

Just a suggestion, tomorrow wake up and make a cup for yourself and Jesus. He loves to sit and talk with us too you know. Make a special place in your home to take time to meditate and visit with Him. He will be delighted. Listen, there is a cup of coffee calling me right now. Do you hear it? Jesus is calling you too.

Here's a lovely poem my brother in Big Springs wrote me...
Hey mighty woman
Warrior for the Lord
Be of great courage

The opinion of man
Is as trash and scum
The opinion of God
is life to the bones

Listen to His voice
Calling to you His love
Hear His love song
Sung just for you

He sees you, really sees you
And He loves you
With a love stronger than
Even death

Rest in His arms next to His heart
Take comfort in His embrace
Lay your head on His shoulder
He will ease all your tears

So be strong mighty warrior
Be strong in our Lord God

God bless you my dear friends and family of God

The Rambling Rose Tig

Gypsy Rose Blog by Tig
March 4, 2010
This snapshot was taken in a small village in the Alsace of France, the home of my family in France. God did a marvelous miracle to help me find, not only my family, but family that knew Jesus and were filled with the spirit of God.
Often when telling this story people are amazed. I too, was amazed when we arrived on the dark cold and rainy evening. We found the champ d' hote, a room in a house through sheer determination. The next morning at breakfast the discovery was made. My family and the woman's family had married in the 1800's. A whole huge happiness began a long term relationship. Not only with my family members but with several others and a church as well.
Look what God can do and does do. I am thrilled today to tell you the doors God opens are powerful. I want to thank God for what He did for me that year. I praise His name for all His love and protection. There are so many things to tell about this testimony but you may just read it in my book someday. So hang on and you will learn more, or in future follow ups you may learn of one of the most wonderful moments in my life. Finding my past culture and family. There are deep connections to the blood. We are connected to the Father in Heaven by the blood of Jesus. It is a deep rich connection. Take advantage of Jesus and the inheritance He gives to us. Psalm 2:8 speaks to us of the inheritance God gives. Faith and knowledge of this has taken me to 23 nations in 15 years and many multiple times in one year. Wow, that is all I need to say now. Glory to God. He alone is worthy of the glory. I bow at His knees. Tig, the wild hearted rouge for Jesus...