Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wow, I am on blog finally. We changed computers and my laptop was not letting me go into my blog. So since my amazing journey to Israel I could not write to you.
I am here now and something delicious and juicy is cooking in my receipe book. The receipe book is the place in my heart and mind where I store all the wonderful memories of my life with God. It is where God and I cook up all kinds of great spiritual opportunities.
I have this doubt box too, ( it says you can only do this or that because you do not have money or it is not for you to go or do this time, or some foolish lie from satan). But, guess what? When I go beyond that box of doubt and unbelief I get out of that doubt box and break forth into new things. I love living on the edge of life with God. I think most of my life has been lived outside the box or the lines as we sometimes quote. We, or other people make borders for us and we too make them, but how sweet it is to step outside those lines and that old box which limits us. Amazing things can occur when we believe God for our needs and dreams to be met. I was reminded of this on my journey. I am here because i did not doubt but rather believed in the impossible with God. So my receipe book is fuller now than before with faith memories making it possible to be with God and His people.
I was talking about my journey to Israel this week. While writing my resume for a Rabbi and his lovely gracious wife, my head was turned to the wonderful things God has allowed me to do. It was not easy going against the storms of life or the opinions of others. It took guts and stubborn faith mixed with lots of patience as I waited upon the Lord, but it paid off. And now, I have added my 23rd nation to my list of countries I once only could dream of. 23 nations in 16 years, it blows my mind to think how it all happened. It happened because of obedience to God of a call on my life, the desire and bulldog tenacity to believe in spite of circumstances and hindrances along with lack that faced me with the challenge of how Lord? How? How, by faith that is how and trusting God with all my heart while using wisdom to get me there and in and out unhindered. What a God we serve!!
I know many of you have requested to hear about Israel. So if I can get my photos on this computer tomorrow I will begin sharing some of the totally out of the box moments that will live in my heart of hearts forever from our journey to Israel in October.
Get your faith juice ready to drool. Then start planning to go if God is leading you to Israel. Tour coordinator is one of my new handles and I will be talking to you about going to work and pray in this beautiful land of Christ Jesus. God is going to help me help others to fulfill this dream to visit the Holy Land. It will awaken your faith in the Lord and His precious Word. God bless and until tomorrow. I love you all and pray for the best for your life with Him who is Lord of all good. Dale (Tig)