Sunday, August 30, 2009

Where The River Meets The Rose Blog Time

Dear Reader,

I was up late drinking some expresso with lots of milk and thinking of my readers. I am starting over with my blogs so they will be shorter. We all have so little time so let's make the most of it. Long is not the best, but making a point to be remembered is. That is what I like about quotes and God's Word.

Powerful statements can change your life, so here is one I like... "No one is in charge of your life but you." Of course we believers in God and Christ Jesus put God in charge of our lives. But we are still the ones who have to take charge to listen and obey His still small voice.

The coffee is good and wish you were here to have a little. Obedience to me is the greatest of adventures. So strike out to obey and get blessed. Obedience took me to 22 nations to share my faith and God's Word. Memories were made that will last a life time.

Have a good day and remember obedience brings blessings beyond your own human understanding. Your friend Dale Davis (Tigi)